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My Wish List~


Lyonel Noale

Lyonel Noale's avatar

Birthday: 07/12


I'd like to welcome you to my profile.

In case you're wondering, yes, I am a fairly active Gaian, and it's likely I'll see you around many of the different threads, games, forums, and areas all over Gaia, so feel free to say hello whenever you see me! I'm always open for conversation. 3nodding

If you're wondering about me, personally? I'm 20, at the moment. I adore Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors and Pokemon. Someday, I hope to become a teacher in an Elementary school!

I like to make people smile, and I love the community on this site, and the support and friends I have made here - perhaps, if I don't know you, we could also be friends, too? I'd love that.

My life hasn't been easy, but I try to keep my head up and do at least one good deed a day. If you ever need someone to talk to, please message me. I'm always willing to listen.

I don't know you, but I just want to remind you that we, as a community, are here for you.

**I wrote this... what, 9 years ago now? Just turned 29. How quickly the time flies.

You're not alone - never forget that.

Hello, friends!

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Sweet Jonayla Report | 08/27/2023 6:49 am
Sweet Jonayla
Have a beautiful day 3nodding
Tympany Report | 08/12/2023 12:07 am
I just enjoy making nice people happy. It makes my day.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Sweet Jonayla Report | 08/06/2023 6:58 am
Sweet Jonayla
I love your avi, it radiates calmness.
Sweet Jonayla Report | 08/03/2023 6:53 am
Sweet Jonayla
Hello, I hope your day is wonderful.
VoidWalkerInochi Report | 08/02/2023 7:10 pm
The pleasure is mine! Thank you and the feeling is mutual, very stylish yet easy on the eyes. Hope you have a great night.
DOPPU Report | 07/28/2023 6:56 am
Thank you~
Sweet Jonayla Report | 07/26/2023 7:18 am
Sweet Jonayla
Hi, how are you?
razor sharp intellect Report | 07/24/2023 12:24 pm
razor sharp intellect
- You're Welcome! -
My Profile? The theme was Phantom of the Opera - with I think 6 Phantom pictures
throughout the page. Plus tons of my Avi Art!
It was gorgeous! Back in 2008 when I made it! ( deep sigh! )
- Now over half of my Art has vanished, I cannot access the pics ...
- Every time I decide to fix it, re-do it , or something, I get discouraged and want to cry!
- Thank you for your kind words! -
His Yandere Report | 07/23/2023 10:54 pm
His Yandere
Haha, thank you, thank you~!
I actually made that profile before I went on a long hiatus,
And when I came back... I couldn't remember how to do it anymore!!!
R.I.P me!
His Yandere Report | 07/23/2023 8:43 pm
His Yandere
Love your profile~!


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