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muninn's avatar

Last Login: 07/06/2011 9:57 pm

Registered: 12/23/2003

Gender: Female

Location: San Francisco

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i'm just a fashion designer trying to make it in the world....... (it's hard)

Let's see what else can i tell you about me.... I like music, and tattoos (i've got 5) oh, my lip is pierced.

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Avatar Arena:

Title: Bubble Goddess
Score: 8.4227
Total Ratings: 1407
Total Comments: 560
Rank: 17

Title: mama
Score: 7.7238
Total Ratings: 1231
Total Comments: 529
Rank: 139

Title: Lilith
Score: 7.6722
Total Ratings: 691
Total Comments: 167
Rank: 256

Title: when you wish upon..
Score: 8.4450
Total Ratings: 1697
Total Comments: 558
Rank: 23

Title: Halloween sprite
Score: 7.7949
Total Ratings: 246
Total Comments: 61
Rank: 183

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Hugh Laurie Makes a GRAND prince regent (george!!!)

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I want Stephen Fry to be my valet!! *cries*

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my favorite artist Edward Gorey heart

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Edith Head heart heart She's my Hero and Idol


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ElfDa Report | 02/11/2011 12:19 am
hehe i was just remembering how I got my eyebrow pierced with you.
You mentioned that I'd look cute with an eyebrow piercing, and less than 24 hours later, I had a titanium barbell through my right eyebrow.
Gosh, I had such a huge crush on you. whee
Requests Report | 07/05/2010 10:19 am
Pretty good! biggrin
Requests Report | 07/02/2010 8:07 pm
I like brown avitars and dark green avitars. I also would like to include a cig and the Trick or Treat tote Grin
Requests Report | 06/30/2010 8:47 am
Is there any way you could like make me one?
Requests Report | 06/29/2010 10:47 am
I love your avitar ;3
Can you maybe tektek me one?
Big-n-Soft Report | 06/04/2010 10:34 pm
Hello, I love your avitar. What item are your eyes?
Taru Shinjaria Report | 09/27/2009 8:08 pm
Taru Shinjaria
Ice queen?
bunni58 Report | 06/20/2009 12:00 pm
thx for buyina and come gain
Taru Shinjaria Report | 05/28/2009 3:48 am
Taru Shinjaria
Ugh the color variation drives me nuts, there must be 4 whites and I don't know how many blacks. Maybe a complimentary color scheme would be easier but I really like having a solid theme either in color or 'concept' with my gaia paper dolls. I think I just have no idea what's even in the stores anymore... hmm... such a time sink >.<
ElfDa Report | 05/19/2009 10:50 pm
hi there!


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