Viewing J-Bob14's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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I'm Frigo, Kapeesh??

Hey people. It's Emily. Micheal is the coolest nerd I know. I go to school with him and have since third grade. He's an awesome little shorty. lol. I love him. He is in love with Kali. I don't understand why everyone isn't. Haha. She's great. but we aren't talking about her. were talking about micheal. This little dude can ace a test in three minutes. He's a genius. I'm suprised he hasn't graduated from college yet. He likes watching spongebob and who else knows what. No matter what anyone says, he's a wonderful friend and I love him very much. Anyone who doens't needs to get there medication adjusted.


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My name is Michael. sometimes i go by J-Bob or Worth or Joe Bob.
Some things you would absolutly *LOVE* to know about me: I play guitar. Ive got 3 of em. 2 electrics and an accoustic. I love Monkeys and Monkeys with guns. (see above) And I also love going out to grandpas on saturdays and riding the bike. By bike I mean the Choppuh. (Its a motercycle. I call it the Choppuh though. get over it.)
My best friends are:
Kali (Ka3li)
J-hulian (doesnt want his name enclosed.)
Ikaika (Lord grand pubah)
Nalin (Forbiden Wonderland)
Morene (got ban a while ago.)
Alex ( emobear16)

J-Bob ninja

-x-punkchick123-x-:10k, Support with stuff
Ka3li: Support, that AWESOME forgiveness that I always get,
Zombie Cassanova:2k,

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Viewing 12 of 41 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Caffeinated Ataru

Report | 07/28/2011 12:22 pm

Caffeinated Ataru

sasukes tit

Report | 02/17/2011 4:35 pm

sasukes tit

Ha. Yeahhhhh. Well yeah.
I'm working on it. I just wish I had my old account.
rainbow vag sauce

Report | 11/07/2010 12:03 am

rainbow vag sauce

cool avi

Report | 09/24/2010 7:32 pm


Hello There Michael JAy (:
Its the boring chick you saw this morning and
didn't give you a hug, *GLOMPS*
i was wondering what you were questing
and maybe i could help you with that?
and Maybe you could help me with me quest.

Report | 09/23/2010 3:44 pm


heeey how have u been? smile
bloody sillouette

Report | 07/13/2010 10:14 am

bloody sillouette

If your going to critique me then use english, letters don`t describe anything.
Slaughterous Wonderland

Report | 07/12/2010 4:56 pm

Slaughterous Wonderland

Zombie Mornings

Report | 07/03/2010 7:38 pm

Zombie Mornings

hey man!
What are the rules?
elle the allusion

Report | 05/15/2010 8:54 am

elle the allusion

Hi there! If you're still selling your uncanny form (I saw a topic about it from awhile back) I'd love to purchase it! I'd be happy to pay up to... 137k? Please send me a trade if it's still available!

Report | 05/06/2010 4:54 am


hey hey x


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