I'm not crazy no matter what anyone says. (at least I think I'm sane.) Anyways, if you want to know about me then shut up, sit still and keep reading. If you don't, well, then your loss cause I am one of the best people you could ever hope to meet.
A little about me:
If you want to get me present, then get me something having to do with clothes, music, reading, writng, pretty much anything artsy fartsy.
When I grow up I hope to be either a writer or a vet(animal doctor.)I would really love to learn and study about animals. And if I ever want to be a writer, tehn I nede to lern how to typ. JK. I can spell and type(kinda;0)
I tend to live buy randomness and quotes that say just what I'm feeling at the moment.
I'm in marching band and I will always be a band geek. I play the clarinet, but i'm hoping to learn cello, trunpet, drums...the list goes on and on.
I think I'm a really nice person when I want to be, but I can also be mean and rude if you tick me off. Just sayin'. Most of the time I'm a pretty good person. Unless I don't like you. smile

Oh! And one last thinhg:
If you choke a smurf, what color will it turn?
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i was taconinja first!!!!!
AND not me. I miss the summer vacations aha.
I'm in college now.. Freshman in college.
What about you? Are you still in school?