Hi im catvampireyuki closest frends to son_monkey and kiristun well however you spell it.I love ~Vampire Knight~ .And my fav movie is Spirited Away,Howl's Moving castle, and Totero.I love Zelda The Twilite princess and i love drawing midna and all sorts of other things.You can be frends with me who ever you and no matter what you look like.I love vampires/cats or racoons oh and my favorite one is a fox and i might get a real pet fox this year and it is a grey and if give me a present on gaia id love any kind of present will do. BYE ^.^ smile ^^ SYONARA IT MEANS BYE IN JAPANEESE!
Copy and paste this message to ten profiles. Got that? Now, in the next 5 minutes, press the f5 button, to refresh your page. You should have a blue gift-box getting high around your screen, flying all over the place. In which, there should be an Ancient Katana, or a CoCo the Kitty Plushie
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