Things you should know!
I'm pretty much a chill gal...until you piss me off. Which is very easy/hard to do depending on my mood. I may seem nice and polite if I am just a person you say hi to, but if you are a close friend then you should know....Here's a list to make this short:
- Da name's Frances, but you can call me Frenchie.
- graduate of 2012
- I like to "dance", if you're a friend then you know what I'm talking about. You should see me on the dance floor! lol
- SUSHI!!! I lessthanthree SUSHI!!!
- da most delicious ice cream in the world: GREEN TEA ICE CREAM!
- I'm into all sorts of music, but my main area is R&B, Punk Rock, Rock, and heavy bass dance music.
- I support the military, so you better not diss it when I'm around.
- I know Domokai Aikido, so you really shouldn't PISS me off
- I'm a story writer on
- I love my friends (when we're not in a fight) yay!
So yeah...that's just the short version of myself. Add me as a friend, if I seem interesting enough.
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~ i didnt want you to end up finding out... you were the last person i wanted to end up hurting.. but the first person i wanted to tell.. ):
i cant do it here.. im alone.. Lilly is leaving in less than 2 weeks.. and im going back to being a new girl alone.. without the "new" ... and i just dont know...
Frances, i seriously... i hate it so much... i cant handle all of this.. and my teacher called me a stupid... just because i asked her a question on how to do something.. then she took my paper and said it wasnt her's when i asked for it back.. i took my friends and asked her if she could as my teacher for another.. and the teacher gives her mine.. which HAD MY NAME ON IT! she is a witch. ):
~ justkidding.<3
I love and miss you fanny.</3
I wish you were closer to me. ):