
Hey there, and thanks for looking at my profile. I have recently recieved a new lap top on which photo shop needs to be installed so until then my profile shall not change.
Alright now it's time for me to be selfish (that makes me think of the Koda Kumi song) and talk about me, lol just kidding, it's a profile so I guess you’re supposed to. Ummm...let's see I am a very...how would you word this...calm person, and I like being happy and goofy, I'm very easy going and enjoy my peace. I can also be very punkish too. It's horrible, for some reason I have a tendency to act like the people I'm with and some of them act horrible and then I start acting horrible and that's not me. The only reason I may dislike someone is pretty much because I don't see you as a nice person. For example if your constantly depressed and always trying to bring people down and looking for sympathy or your a bully and you think you know it all as well as people who joke about things like suicide, having a bad past, or being beat up, ect.
As for things I enjoy doing, they would be playing video games, role playing, Karaoke, sewing, attending cosplay events, making music videos and funny videos on Youtube, drawing, reading, writing poetry, baking, nail art, dancing and playing sports on my own time. Oh and I love animals too!

This is me with my curly hair. XP And yes I actually dress like that. I dress like an anime character or a pop or rock star just because I fancy that style of clothing. Oh ya and I'm either always in runners or boots of some kind.

Yay! My profile is Nana themed. I have read the animes and I will most likely watch the movie soon on youtube! Also I'm cosplaying as Nana Osaki to a convention comming up soon. The Nana series rocks and any one who dosen't like it...get out! Just joking! The video below is featured in Nana and is sung by the amazing Mika...I forgot her last name. It is one of my favs because it always makes me feel good!
I'm saving up for the 100,000 gold one

Total Value: 30,339,931 Gold
After Exclusions: 113,767 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Doll EarsGrace of AphroditeFrostbite BladeGothic VeilElegant VeilWinter RoseElemental WingsSpirit FalconMini Angel Wings
My dream avi!

Ashe's palace dress. (I'm saving up for this one at the moment!)
~Tis my art work~

This one says something but I forgot. If I remeber I'll post it.

I made this one to send off to be put in and art corner of a comic. I think the comics to old though but I want to send some stuff for the Nana art corner.

If there is anything else you think I should add here please tell me! 0_~
{Feel free to leave me a comment even if I don't know you, I'm still interested in what you have to say.}
Chowz for nowz and peace out *throws peace sign*
When all is lost build it anew.

-Lady Ashe

We have wings made of silver “Sure metal is heavy” but we fly with them anyway.
~You put the dream in my reality.~
~I own something great for an even greater price.~
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