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Welcome! I hope you enjoy ALL the fine deals I have going 24/7! Have a nice day!


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shadowdarkness6's avatar

Birthday: 08/07

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My clan

Hello I am a vice captain in my clan im also a recruiter i run several sub forums and post often in rp oe on the announcememnts where i announce highest donators im here to offer any members to join we have around 20. We have alot of sub forums to pick from and hope you enjoy our leader sk8boarder 4 ever 11 is always on and i support him fully reach me or him through a pm or just send a request

Thanks ^_^ the clan is ‡ *Imperial Guard* ‡ if you dont know the symbols just type in keyword imperial

My Playlist

Sk8boarder 4 Ever 11
86 My Life
o-Your Pookie-o

I made this cross to represent the ‡ Symbol in my clan as you can see im pretty loyal to it

Leader of the clan

a few members crew or vice captains

i work hard for the gold i have and sometimes give to others if there my friend ^_^ i have several ways >.> my ways lol

Hey my names mike call me mic if you want i like to do all sorts of things mostly i make cool crafts and such and i always like to work for gold im a "saving addict" Im mostly a quiet guy but when it comes to buisness im a tiger ^.^ in a lawyer kinda way lol anyway thats it

Ty for looking at my page if you havent scroll down and check out the rest