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RyukZaraki's avatar

Birthday: 02/16


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Im weird (so my mates say) i like black and im obsessed with the dark!


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Words of the dead

All who see this journal is doomed to eternity on HELL!


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Sesskogaru Report | 12/02/2008 10:45 am
Hey, you! I was surprised to see you wanted me to be a friend. Thanks for requesting. ^^ I already approved. So what kind of stories do you like to write? Mine are usually depressing ones or love stories (you know love conquers all). smile They usually contain a moral meaning. I also write poetry every now and then but sometimes my poetry doesn’t always rhyme. I also don't provide explanations or descriptions to my poems because I believe they strip the poem of substance. But if you want to understand where I'm coming from just ask me I will tell you. I like to hear what other people think of my poems and stories because I believe their opinion gives me a different perspective to look at. Some people can be quite interesting when trying to figure me out. biggrin ha. ha. I can be quite complicated at times but I LOVE IT! <3 Well, tell me what you think? Still want to be my friend? Ha. Ha. Just kidding. Write me back when you get the chance. Talk to you later.
8Random_nesss8 Report | 12/02/2008 9:53 am
hi yeh i remember u! what uup 2?
Sesskogaru Report | 12/01/2008 10:43 am
ha. ha. That's great! smile Keep up the great work! See yah around. wink
Sesskogaru Report | 12/01/2008 9:42 am
Sorry to hear about that. Do you write stories often? Or was that your first one? I write a lot of stories well not recently. =.=; I'm kind of out of practice now.
Sesskogaru Report | 12/01/2008 9:38 am
No problem. I always respond to my comments. I just read your story. Quite interesting approach you took there. I really liked it. biggrin So fun! ^^
Sesskogaru Report | 12/01/2008 9:29 am
Hmmm. What do you know, you're right. Heh. Cool profile. wink
Madame Miammiam Report | 11/29/2008 6:39 am
Madame Miammiam
thx 4 buying
bad manners Report | 11/29/2008 1:41 am
bad manners
MORE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I THOUGHT FIVE WAS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!
bad manners Report | 11/27/2008 11:03 am
bad manners
what do u mean it doesent?????well look up coal in the market place
and look up space to get the bubble
and i donno how i got the zomg badges
bad manners Report | 11/25/2008 10:23 am
bad manners
why so serious?????why so serious??????


SKY's the name the devil that Satan fears


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