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Miss Blissy

Miss Blissy's avatar

Registered: 10/10/2008

Gender: Female


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Just back from a semi-hiatus.

Want to know stuff about me? ~ I have a life, and I'm not on Gaia often ~ I love acting, especially Shakespeaere ~ I play the cello ~ I'm quite tall ~ I am a big city girl ~ I'm a mac person forever ~ I'm inept at all but the most basic technology (I stole this profile from tektek) ~ I'm friendly, I won't bite. Even n00bs. ~ I am an avatar-matching freak

I will not friend random people without reason. I will not give away gold or items. But I'm happy to chat with anyone who cares to!

I am a part of [fashun] the guild

Tektek is my love <3

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0_apple_pie_0 Dream Avis

This is just a place for me to put down my dream avis that I've made and will never have enough gold for. Just for giggles. If you have enough gold to make one of these avis, then PLEASE pm me to ask permission. Otherwise it's plagerism. Thanks.


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Pg-chan Report | 10/10/2012 4:07 pm
Thanks for your purchase, it really helps! X3 Hope you like the school uniform~
Nummymuffin Report | 10/17/2010 9:00 pm
Aww I like them both cuteness<3 I think I like the one you submitted a little better but there is only one small thing... I think we need to incorporate pink and purple as the primary colors. Maybe if you just changed the blue items to purple? If you need any help with items I don't mind at all. I hope your not upset.
Nummymuffin Report | 10/17/2010 2:16 pm
Yes I sent it as a gift since its easier<3
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 11:06 pm
Nite. smile
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 11:04 pm
Shes only 2. So I probably wont start taking her trick or treating till shes 5 or so. I pm a pic of her in her costume. smile I always get tempted to show off pics of her lol.
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 11:02 pm
Oh and also if you want you can borrow some purple or pink items or if you ever just want to borrow something just let me know<3
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 10:57 pm
Disney princess costumes? That sounds really amazing, this weekend my friend is having a zombie birthday party so I'm pretty excited for that. My friends are all weird and like to dress up so for almost everyone's birthday we do something special or unique. Yeah I'm not sure If I will have time to make an actual costume we will see what happens lol. My daughter is still too young to take her trick or treating so we take her her to an event called zoo boo its where a bunch of business come together at the zoo and give out candy and prizes to the best dressed.
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 10:44 pm
My mother in law also died of cancer before I even had the chance to meet her so this is really important to me as well.
You can actually submit up until Sunday if you have the time you should defiantly submit an avi<3 I will send you the details via Pm! I am super excited for Halloween its my all time fave holiday just because I love to dress up. I already have my daughters outfit shes going to be be a ballerina kitty. smile I haven't got a costume for myself but I usually just improvise with makeup or wigs lol. This year there is two Halloween party's one for the family and kids and one with my friends. I'm excited for both though. What about you any plans? Whens your B-day exactly?
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 2:49 am
Oh one of the guilds I'm involved in called Goldfish Nightlights is doing a group entry in honor of Wolfram Asher Davidson ma. We are all coming together to do this group entry in the fight against cancer and anyone is welcomed to participate<3 You should check out the keywords sayitfightitcureit, cancer if your interested in participating. smile
Nummymuffin Report | 10/12/2010 2:38 am
Wow sounds insane but fun! I've been okay just the usual homework,family stuff, tons of bdays recently it seems like all my friends were born in October! Oh and I've been an insomniac for the past 2 weeks or so lol. I really am not into meds so I'm trying to find natural remedies to help me sleep.


On a semi-hiatus...


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