Just back from a semi-hiatus.Want to know stuff about me? ~ I have a life, and I'm not on Gaia often ~ I love acting, especially Shakespeaere ~ I play the cello ~ I'm quite tall ~ I am a big city girl ~ I'm a mac person forever ~ I'm inept at all but the most basic technology (I stole this profile from tektek) ~ I'm friendly, I won't bite. Even n00bs. ~ I am an avatar-matching freak
I will not friend random people without reason. I will not give away gold or items. But I'm happy to chat with anyone who cares to!
I am a part of [fashun] the guild
Tektek is my love <3

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You can actually submit up until Sunday if you have the time you should defiantly submit an avi<3 I will send you the details via Pm! I am super excited for Halloween its my all time fave holiday just because I love to dress up. I already have my daughters outfit shes going to be be a ballerina kitty. smile I haven't got a costume for myself but I usually just improvise with makeup or wigs lol. This year there is two Halloween party's one for the family and kids and one with my friends. I'm excited for both though. What about you any plans? Whens your B-day exactly?