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angel41791's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/16


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Did you think I would have all the answers?


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ozrocks_ILE Report | 12/11/2009 1:54 pm
ok.... finishin joke for ur aquarium question here..... we left off with the girls hidin from the police on a farm, but the police track them the police come to the pigpen and go "anyone here?" so the redhead goes oink oink. they go "no ones here", so they go to the place where the cows r. they ask the same question, so the brunette goes moo!!! "no one here" they say, so they go to the potato area and go "anyone here?" and the blonde goes "potato." lol. mi friend told me this yesterday. thought ud like it.
myssy myssy ^_^ Report | 11/28/2009 8:39 pm
myssy myssy ^_^
Random comment
Lord Krieger Noire Report | 11/27/2009 5:36 pm
Lord Krieger Noire xD
Lord Krieger Noire Report | 11/27/2009 11:03 am
Lord Krieger Noire
Wait, is that spot for the arenas? xD
Lord Krieger Noire Report | 11/23/2009 11:37 am
Lord Krieger Noire
I know, makes me wonder why I'm not up on the avi thing on the front page, I always look at it and go, why the hell is that person up there? My avi looks much better, and so on and on. xD
Lord Krieger Noire Report | 11/22/2009 11:00 am
Lord Krieger Noire
Changed it to the bogey man, I only had that avi up for a friend to see. :3
Lord Hideyoshi Ambrjrk Report | 09/28/2009 3:18 pm
Lord Hideyoshi Ambrjrk
Hey! How are you doing?
HollisterKidd199109 Report | 08/20/2009 6:48 pm
yeah but i aint mean too....
HollisterKidd199109 Report | 08/20/2009 8:47 am
Joonbong Report | 07/30/2009 7:35 am
Lol, no problem.


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"I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror, and bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer, but my breath fogged up the glass... so I drew a new face and I laughed. I guess what I be sayin is there ain't no better reason, to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. It's what aim to do, Our name is our virtue..." -Jason Maraz


Black, white, up, down. Who came up with this stupid idea of racisim? It's not like we're a completely different species when our pigmentation is lighter or darker than the other. OMG! Were like cats! We have different color fur and everything!


Life will always be difficult. No matter what you do, how you plan to do it, something will go wrong. You'll trip, fail, and at all times make an utter fool of yourself. However, it's the standing up and frowning at your scraped knee, the trying again to get that 'A', and the laughing at yourself because you acted like a stupid idiot that will make you preservere.

This is me... Hi me!

What are Fajitoes and what can they do for you?:
Well to start off, I'm a seventeen-er. Yup. Been on this big wide world for a whole 17 years. I hope to be on it for at least a few more years, but hey, I'm a believer of fate. Are you a believer of fate? My day-o-birth is around the spring solcitce. Yeah close to the April 17th-ish time. I'm 17, my brithday is the 17th, and my favorite number is 417... why 417? Because the number is not only my birthday, but my address is 417 United States.
Yup I'm an "American." I don't really understand that though. Arn't Canadains Americans as well? They live in North America...
I'm also a lefty; literally I'm left-handed. But politically I'm an independent. If that is what you call people who believe that both major parties have more cons than pros and they only choose stupid ideas because they are control freaks, then yes I'm an independent.
I will warn you I am random. -.- And slightly insane! o_. But insantiy makes the world go round and religion and science fight all the time ^_^.
My hair is black and my skin is brown. No I'm not hispanic, asian, "white", or "black". I'm a mixture of the later two, so racisim is drawn to a blank for me.
OK I think I've done over the bare minimum...
Remember! Don't make friends with idiots! You'll regret it when your older! biggrin

I ♥ Life...

I ♥ Love...

But Most of All...

♥I Love You.♥


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