my life
Want free art? Here is mine and Cannorachan's freebie shop. [x] Feel free to stay and chat ._.
-The freebie shop and the art shop is now closed. We may open another one when we feel like it.
-I am requesting avi art, messange me if you wan't to draw my avatar (I will pay off course)♥
-Draw me and Cannorachan? We'll love you forever
I would like to thank my dear friend Cannorachan for donating Princess Kaguya
Moonbunny529 for donating 40k
Boomsmackk for donating 35k
Avi art ~
Me and Cannora

Art by Cannorachan
I don't really know who drew this... Don't remember, its so old¨._.

From M3PHISTOPH3L3S - I love it ! ~

From Korilassical
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emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
I don't know.. I'm not interested in looking for any gaia gold right now xD
I know right? whee
Ah not anymore, I mostly draw avis for free now c:
Well, google is the best teacher I've ever known, lol xd
No noo I'm a noob artist
Oh thank you very much! (I made it myself ;P) ♥
Yes I did redface
After the art shop closed down, you guys kinda vanished. ><
Welcome back to Gaia! xD
What's been keeping you so busy?
I'm good, I'm good, been busy though. =3=
How about you?