Viewing JarethXGoblinKing's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


JarethXGoblinKing's avatar

Last Login: 12/21/2011 9:39 am

Gender: Male

Location: Castle beyond the Goblin City

Birthday: 06/20

Occupation: Goblin King


Salutations and what not to you all. I am Jareth, king of the goblins, ruler of the Labyrinth, and all that. Here is my highly interesting tale. You'll read it, won't you? *shoots you an intimidating look*

Not long ago in mortal years, about 30 I beleive, I became infatuated with a certain Sarah Williams, a beautiful, but extremely whiny, mortal girl. As such, I gave her the power to get whatever she wished for. One fateful night, after her stepmother had given her quite a bit of a talking to, she bacame angry with her brother and wished him away. Upon hearing her request, I sent my goblins in to snatch little Toby (her brother) and then appeared myself. Ah, how fun it was to toy with her.

At any rate, after traversing a riduclously toned down version of my labyrinth, Sarah defeated me, and I begrudgingly returned her brother to her. How unexpected that a mere mortal could conquer me, the king of goblins. Why, I could have destroyed with a single breath!

That brat truly gave me some trouble. I never want to see her face again.
At least for now.

If you wish to serve me or attempt to befriend me, feel free to pm, comment or send a request. Don't worry: I don't bite. I'll save that for the nippers. *laughs evilly*
((NOTE: If you wish to bring me an offering of money, items or art, I'll happily accept. wink )

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This is me about to put a spell on young Sarah. And no, I will not teach you how to contact juggle.

Thank you. Please come again. *disapears*


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VoreGhost Report | 07/01/2010 8:27 pm
I was obsessed with the lord or the rings when I was little.
I would chase my little sister around while she screamed pretending I was Lord Sauron XD memories...
xX-Anubis Rex-Xx Report | 06/25/2010 10:04 pm
... I like being barbaric thank you, now if you'll kindly excuse me sir I have a tea party to attend... *sips tea*
VoreGhost Report | 06/25/2010 8:38 pm
It makes me want to beat the life out of someone, not only do I hate toy story, but the pictures pop up everywhere like adware.
Kjaran Archive Report | 06/25/2010 1:26 pm
so what you up to huh?
Kjaran Archive Report | 06/25/2010 12:36 pm
"Doomed Cake"
oh, you haven't really answered my comment on your other profile.... whadda want for your birthday? XP
Ps. I played life-size tetris with the kids I baby sit today.
Pss. They bit my fingers when I wouldn't stop jumping up and down.
don't you just LOOOOOVE kids... *groan*
merabell3 Report | 06/23/2010 5:05 pm
your very welcome ^^
Kjaran Archive Report | 06/23/2010 10:24 am
xX-Anubis Rex-Xx Report | 06/22/2010 4:36 pm
BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ...sorry that just kinda came out...
VoreGhost Report | 06/22/2010 2:35 pm
just out of curiosity did gaia always advertise their cash shop item contests and things? it's getting really annoying with the pictures all over and the constant announcements :'(
merabell3 Report | 06/20/2010 7:55 am
happy b-day Jareth ^^
Morte Van-Wyke
Kjaran Archive
xX-Anubis Rex-Xx


Dead babies.


These idiots are sullying my profile...

Meh. That's why we love 'em.
