Based on the book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” reference links below.If you give a mouse a cookie he’ll want some milk to go along with it.
If you give him some milk he’ll want to look up on the internet about the growth hormones they use on dairy cows.
If you let him use the internet he’ll want to make a Gaia account.
If you let him make a Gaia account he’ll want to make an avatar.
If you let him make an avatar he’ll want to enter it into the Avatar Arena.
If you let him enter the Avatar Arena he’ll want you to vote on his entry.
If you vote on his entry he’ll want a comment to go along with it.
If you leave him a comment he’ll want to win.
If he wins he’ll want a cookie for a job well done.
Book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_You_Give_a_Mouse_a_Cookie

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I appreciate it. smile
It looks much better with the drone skin from the Death Whisper, but sadly that's evolved now. xD
Think but this and all is mended
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear
And this weak and idol theme
No more yielding but a dream