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My name's Mary, it's lovely to meet you(:. I'm 15 years old and currently living in Long Island, New York. My mom is my best friend, and she has literally saved my life more times than I can count. I have four older brothers who can make me laugh, or cry, at any given time. My daddy trys the best he can, and I love him for that, even though he messes up a lot. I'm not what you would call a popular person, but that's by choice. I prefer silence and relaxation to noise, but the three real friends I do have are anything but quiet. They're names are Jackie, Diana, and Katlyn, and I wouldn't trade them for all the friends in the world. I have two dogs and one cat, and they keep my quite entertained since they're constantly fighting. I've met a lot of great people on this website, and my three best friends on here are Austin, Lala, and Brandon. They all mean something different, but equal to me, and I love them all very much. Get to know me ^.^

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Listen Bitxhhs Move Aside Because ii Got A Much To Say About This Gurll Ritee Here !
Ightt So Ive Knoe Mary Since Like Forever & She Is Like My Sister But She’s My F**kinqq Wifee [; .
When Were Toqether We Mostly Be Havinqq a Blast Loll [x ; Butt She Is So Funny , Got a Great Personality And Is The Best Wife ii Can Ever Have And ii Tell This Gurll Everythinq ! And She Does The Same .
But The Biq Thinq Is That She Is Always Always There Forr Me And Damn Rite Ill Always Be There For Yhu No Matter What !
BECAUSE WERE THE PERFECT TWO Lmaoo She Hate’s That Sonqq But Idgaf [x .
&& Guess What Mary StevenSonn ii F***kinqq Love Yhu Bitxhh !
One Last Thinq I Don’t Care Who Yhu Are Just ‘ Don’t Brinq No F**kinqq Drama To Her ‘ Because Im The One Who Deal w That Shxt Ightt (; . Hmuu . Classy One That’s My UserName Come Ath Me Bitchhs DARE YA ?!
&& Boyss Shes Taken Ightt So Baqqk Off The Hell Off .
& Well I Guess I’m Done W My Book ! Mhaww Ilyy Wife < 3


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icumdonyou Report | 12/11/2011 12:44 pm
Fineeee D;
icumdonyou Report | 11/23/2011 12:47 pm
Wifeeee Didd Yhu Make My Dreamm Avtt.
icumdonyou Report | 11/18/2011 3:05 pm
x-OhAmalia Report | 11/18/2011 1:52 pm
its fine lol
x-OhAmalia Report | 11/13/2011 9:05 pm
no problem.[: and aw that's kinda mean. lol we should hit up rally sometime. 3nodding
x-OhAmalia Report | 11/13/2011 6:23 pm
Lol kinda creeped but one your avis cute & two you and your boy are very cute (:
A British Orgasm Report | 11/04/2011 11:52 am
A British Orgasm
Sorry but I was just informing you about your 'bf'.
You were the one who started swearing at me, so yeah you are the one who started this. Stupid Noob.
Ohh and i'm sorry for saying you had 10k, CLEARLY THAT WAS AN ESTIMATE! If I was you have 12k will you try not to cry ? :3
A British Orgasm Report | 11/04/2011 9:28 am
A British Orgasm
Sorry, I didn't realise that you had that account for 4 years.. SO HAVE I !
You must be stupid enough to confuse 'newb' (meaning new person) with noob (which is the way that one acts, like you, noob).
I am not being rude. Would you like it if someone was trying to get your password? You're probs in on the act too!
Also if you aren't a noob why are you getting soo pissed off over a little comment and leaving long comments on my profile? Nothing better to do with your life I see ^^
Also why would he do anything to your nooby account? You have like 10k? I on the other hand have over 25mil so you may understand why he tried to scam me. HERE'S PROOF:
Scam Message
Scam Website (Big fail)

Ohh and may I say, OWNED.
A British Orgasm Report | 11/04/2011 12:22 am
A British Orgasm
Ohh and if he WAS hacked then you should be happy he is getting banned.
A British Orgasm Report | 11/04/2011 12:22 am
A British Orgasm
Yes, clearly the hacker would update his 'about' seciond to say that he was hacked.
Stupid moronic children.
I don't need to back off, he is the one trying to scam me. ******** noob.
You said back the ******** off like 100 times..
Calm down. Must be your time of the month wink

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You look beautiful today. Just like always <3

i love you wifey<3

We've got some issues to work out but he'll always be my bestie!

RIP Brian Joseph Nelson December 13th 1987 - December 1st 2008

Jackie, Diana, Katlyn, and me

Me, Chelle, and Lyssa

This Brandycakes ;D

One of my bestfriend's irl. (Diana from the picture over there >) She's a noobie, but be nice to her!

Another one of my bestfriend's irl. I've know this girl forever and I'd do anything for her<3 (Jackie from the picture) And she's also a noob, but be nice (: