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Princess Chex's Journal

Princess Chex
Community Member
Tablets Are Overrated
This is a random topic I thought of that could help aspiring artists and clear some misconceptions on the subject of tablets. It really started coz of the massive PM's of "what tablet do you use?"

I think some of you have seen those "oh so wonderful" artworks with people who have wacoms n other sorts of tablets. I used to draw with a tablet and yeah its cool but see... I've become a somewhat semi-pro artist over the years since now I'm getting a lot of commission requests [no. not for gaia gold or game items. i only do real money now] and such so I wondered ... tablets.

I always see people say "OMG im so jealous of your tablet!" or "i wish i had a tablet!!!" and the usual "i could prolly draw as good as you if i had a tablet." etc etc.

BIG SURPRISE: I dont use one. For any of the commissions and new artworks in my DA gallery this year I have never touched a tablet to make them. Just my mouse. 3nodding Strange ei?

I'd just like to say there are a lot of artists such as myself who do fine without a tablet. Check DA. A LOT of artists rely on their mouse. Don't think that just because you dont have the equipment, you cant draw. Art is based on talent and not some digital drawing tool. surprised

Hopefully this helps you guys!

Dont let yourself down just because you think you dont have what you need. Just work with what you have. After all, artists are creative right? 3nodding heart