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View User's Journal

kairinne's journal
note: frozen - stars = scattered - stars = ll stars ll = kairinne
donators and completed quests &33

thank you:
-malnino;; 2 sealeds
-butterfly soup;; 6k and some clothes that i can't remember lol
-frezeal; kaya the cat
-panduhhboy;; elegant blue ribbon, cheepz, raider shih's garment
-codename d;; too much gold to count and a cloud O:
-akito sakoy;; gothic veil, nitemare bustier (:
-magical bubble; bone dragon helm
-crystal_nightfall;; 10k
-carrrol;; coocoon 2nd gen., 20k, rock puppy
-mafdet; 40k
-ookami rukia uchiha;; 1.2k
-dj berserker;; fallen wish 10th gen.
-l DJ l;; giftbox
-tragic orgy;; 100k
-anime jet;; 20k
-quynh-dan;; 1k
-Ze Blue Angel;; 5k
-Mizu_Taji;; winter rose
-x_macchiato; kottan bell 3rd gen, thank you letter for august 2009 && too much mini-shop stuff
-blessing Leya;; rainbow toe socks o_o
-annblack;; idiot hair
-jzazy;; 47,398g
-sybak;; barton water festival shirt
-hh0roscOpE;; 10k
-mandarin lollipop;; 10k
-Aya Dragonsheart;; chuchip's blessing, september and april birthstone crown, wind halo
-kirisuka;; cecil
-Josephine the Harpist;; 10k
-Nomphy;; 15k
-AkaMidori;; churpy
-nariuu;; chirpy
-k u r o b u; ramune and returned gifts emo
-TrulyCapricious; purple tam beret
-Jii Ah; pandaista 2nd gen

completed quests c:
angelic scarf: bought for 5490k on June 22nd -- well, then I sold it @_@ /shot
horns of the demon: bought for 2135k on July 23rd
mini nitemare wings: bought for 240m on October 18th 2003