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Welcome to Gaia Journals

What are Gaia Journals?

Gaia Journals are designed for you to have your very own personal space on Gaia to write out your thoughts. Your Gaia Journal is your space, so you choose what it looks like, who can read it, and who can comment on whatever you decide to share. You can have a journal just for you and your friends to read and comment in, a public space that the entire Gaia community can view and respond to, or you could even use your Gaia Journal to keep a private diary all for yourself, that no one else can read. You could even replace your LiveJournal, Xanga, or other weblog with your Gaia Journal. It's all up to you!

What do I need to know to get around Gaia Journals?

A good place to start is with the Journal Listing button. Clicking this will take you to a list of all the journals made by other Gaians. All journal lists are given in order from most to least active, so those most recently updated will be right at the top. No need to hunt around to see if someone's updated! To read a journal, just click on its title. If you'd like to view several journals at once, mark the boxes next to them and hit the 'view marked journals' button to read them all on one easy page.

Since there will be lots of journals, you might want to sort them into a form that's a bit easier for you to find things. For starters, Gaia Journal already works along with your Friendslist! All your friend's journals are in a nice list you can see by clicking on the friendslist link. So if you're not using your Friendslist yet, now's a good time to start!

If you come across a journal you'd like to keep track of while browsing Gaia Journal, you can just click the 'subscribe' button at the top of that journal. Then when you come back later, just go to Journal Listing and click on 'subscriptions'. There you'll have a list of all the journals you've subscribed to. Don't worry about subscribing, because if you change your mind later, you can always edit your subscriptions later. Now you know how to find and keep track of other Gaian's journals so you can begin to read and comment in them.

Ready to get started with your very own Gaia Journal? Then click here to create your very own Gaia Journal.

If you'd like to read on with all the details, get more info from JournalBuilder!

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