Today I had a very fun conversation with my friend Sora, here it is:
Sora: Ok this picture is for Kanna Wolram: Oh it is? Sora: YUP! Wolfram: Ok then I'll strik a pose for her! Sora: PERFECT! Wolfram: well this is for Kanna
 ^_^^_^ Kanna: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! X_X X_X X_X is that a good thing? I don't know I hope it is I think she dead! Wolrfam this is your fault your to danm sexy! I'M SORRY I CAN"T HELP IT!!!! How can i stay dead with you two around X3 YAY SHE"S NOT DEAD! hey Kanna Wolfram likes you HAY YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TELL HER! scream hee hee WOOOPPPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... redface well arn't you Mr. Shy! SHUT UP! hee hee lol no duh of course he's shy wink Gunter: You Majesty! DAMN IT GUNTER STAY WAY FROM YURRI! SHUT UP your not the boss of me! Yuri: I hate when they do this oh hi Yurri! hi Sora oh hay Kanna's here! YUP! ^_^ HI YURI!!!! *waves* how are you?? I'm good thanks for asking WOW look at Wolfram and Gunter go! yay they do this all the time your Majesty please tell your pet to stop attacking me uh oh shouldn't of called him that PET? THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH WOW! yeah Wolfram just threw Gunter out the window about 50 feet...... I give it a 10 ^_^ thatll teach him WOLFRAM!!!! WHAT? YOU THREW GUNTER OUT THE WINDOW! pretty far I mite add OMG!!! poor gunter i hope he is okay sad He's ok I threw him in the pool I CAN'T SWIM!!! well you can stand huh? Oh yeah! idiot Wolfram be nice ..... stare Idiot... come on Yurri lets go! but what about Kanna and Sora yeah where you going? our time's up Sanzo and Goku are coming Oh yeah BYE KANNA BYE SORA! BYE! awww... bye! ------- SORA!!!!! YAY GOKU! *Hugs sora* ....... mmmm hi Sonzo yo NO WAY KANNA'S HERE TOO! *Hugs Kanna* WAP!!! *hits Goku on the head* Oops!! sorry Goku reflex not used to hugs sweatdrop Sonzo DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT! ...... I'm hungry GOD DAMN IT *hits goku with a paper fan* I'll go get you some food Goku YAY! mmmmmm stressed oooo can i get him food? *smiles* twisted Gojyo:Hi guys! HI GOJYO! Yo! oh well if it isn't Kanna touch her and I'll bite your hand off you pervert water sprite alright alright jeez I wasn't going to do anything..... well in front of you guys DAMN IT GOJYO! *hits gojyo with a paper fan* Yay its Gojyo!!!!! heart i wouldn't worry about him if he were to try anything..... well Sora you'll know what will happen twisted
HIS a** WOULD BE DEAD!!! mrgreen ....... damn it stare you should of known that was going to happen SHUT UP! stressed HA! HA! HA! SHUT YOU MOUTH YOU DAMN MONKY! ....... stare Hey don't yell at Goku!!! and anyways i wasn't saying i wouldn't hang with you i was just warning you who knows wink I'm leaving WHAT SONZO!!! yeah man I don't just gonna leave Kanna! HAY I'M HERE TO YOU b*****d! scream HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl I can't belive he forgot about you Sora!! ..... stare ok ok I'm sorry dumy are not! are too are not! are too ARE NOT! .......are too WE'RE LEAVING NOW! I have to go too but I mite be back later! BYE! ........ see ya BYE BYE! Okay *sniff sniff* bye bye BYE!!!*yells to Sonzo* ------------------------ the next day ------------------------ Naruto: I like romen yes I do I like romen how bout you! Sasuke: your such a loser mmmmm stare Sora: HI NARUTO HI SASUKE! SORA! blaugh whatever hee hee what? guess who's here! who? KANNA! ...... s**t! Kanna: scream YAH YOU BETTER RUN YOU DAMN EMO MOTHER F****R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....oh hi Naruto X3 (just for amusment please ignore my french) wow! I didn't know Kanna can scream that loud you'ed be suprized! hey where'ed Sasuke go? he's in the corner in the fidel posotion X3 oh! poor Sasuke yeah poor Sasuke*Naruto and Sora look at each other* HAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! damn it Naruto I was trying to keep a strait face! ha ha sorry! ha .....hey it's not funny! *at the same time*YES IT IS! YES IT IS! MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! well hello everyone! heart oh! HI KAKASHI!!! Hi Sora,Naruto,huh Sasuke, oh and Kanna's here to! YUP! she scared the crap out of him! X3 oh my! well it looks like you've got the evil laugh down Kanna well I only here it when she's around Sasuke MWAHHAAHA!!! oopps!! redface *mutters as she notices kakashi* HI Kakashi!! X3 hows it going with Miyu??? lol sorry you guys had to see that... it's ok don't worry about umm by the way please don't tell Miyu where I am I'm hidding haha yeah ok I wount tell not me I'm going to go find .......I'll buy you some romen ...OK! ^_^ ummm is Kanna still here? YUP! so if I were you I'd go back in the corner ehh with two elite ninja here who if working together might being able to hold me back id say he'd be okay around me just don't come to close or i won't be able to keep my promise to Kyoko sweatdrop she got a point what! what do you mean? it mean Sasuke that well...... your skrewd AWW CRAP!!!*runs away* I'm gonna go after him why? because I want to rub this in his face! hee hee I better go after them make sure they don't get hurt sweatdrop aaawww your leaving?! yeah sorry! but don't worry Fay and Kurogane are coming! oh! ok then BYE! haha bye X3 -------- Fai: SORA, KANNA!!!! HI FAI!!!! Kurogane: ........ and you too Mr. Grumpy! oh don't worry about it Kurogane is always grumpy HAY SHUT UP! stressed hee hee YAY its FAI!!! *glomps Fai from behind* Hi Kuro-pin *waves* ............ stare GOD DAMN IT KUROGANE SAY HI TO KANNA!!!! scream Kurogane! ........hi....didn't have to yell hehe whee aawwww Kurogane is blushing! blaugh w what I am not! redface stressed YES YOU ARE! rofl ......... aawww how cute! whee S SHUT UP!!!! stressed awwwww kawii X3 Syaoran: hey whats going on guys? Syaoran!!!! Hi Syaoran! oh Kanna's here!!! really? oh hi Kanna! ........ omg it syaoran!!!!!!! X_X HIII SYAORAN!!!!!! X3 hee hee 3nodding so Syaoran what up? not much but I did find another feather though! GREAT!*gently elbows Kurogane in the shoulder* ....yeah great stare hee hee hey Syaoran guess what?? i drew the cutest pic of you and Sakura X3 really? great I can't wait to see it! ME TOO! I love Kanna's art! don't tell anyone but I'm watching you! ....ummm what?! eek on deviantART silly blaugh OH! ok then! ok that scared the crap out of me yeah me too sweatdrop whew me too OH!!! i also drew a pic of you Fai X3 and one of you by urself Syaoran X3 but Sora has already seen all of them X3 really? how do they look Sora! yeah tell us! ok then one word..... AWESOME hee hee mmmmm stare aaawwww poor Kurogane!*gives Kurogane a big hug* h HAY KNOCK IT OFF! ha ha! Kurogane Fai's just showing that he cares about you sweatdrop g GOD DAMN IT l LET GO! THIS IS FUN! wow Fai's got a real good grip on Kurogane yeah Whoot!!! go Fai!! ride that bull X3 HAY I'M NOT A BULL! you can be when your mad ha ha it looks like Kurogane gave up! aaawwww it's over? s shut up*breathing heavy* I think Fai is the only one that can where Kurogane out sweatdrop yeah I think your right! haha hey Fai? where DO you get all your energy? oh that! that's easy I ummm.... hee hee I don't know! X3 ...... sweatdrop ...... sweatdrop ...... sweatdrop I hope that answered your question I have a feeling it didn't ...........nope not at all...... hey guys I've located another feather we better get going! aaawwww alreight BYE SORA BYE KANNA!!! ........ stare BYE EVERYONE!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*waves* --------------- few days later --------------- Train: white milk red milk yellow milk is oh so bad oh oh this is our milk festival on! Sora:..... TRAIN!!!! *attacks Train with a BIG hug* Sven: wow Train that looked like it hurt well Sven it did hee hee well Sora's happy oh hi Kanna! huh Kanna's here HELP ME KANNA! Kanna: haha sorry train no can do X3 awww man! KITTY! blaugh c can't breath! wow she's got a good grip on you sweatdrop ..... MY KITTY! I give up! ha I would of to sweatdrop eek SORA!!!!!!!!YOUR KILLING HIM!!!! please loosen your grip!!! ..... fine stare YES I CAN BREATH AGAIN! you lucky Kanna is here sweatdrop Eve:...... Kanna? oh here you are Eve! Hi Eve! Hello Sora and Kanna HI Eve!! hows it going?? ....... good I caught a kitty! well is looks like you found a new book what's that one? How to Catch a Stupid Cat ........ stare Eve the book says How to Catch a Cat not a stupid Cat I like with one better ...... your making fun of me aren't you YUP! I think she is X3 aww poor Train, he just got dissed by a little girl X3 awww again! gonk your so cute! hee hee blaugh wow I'm glad I'm really glad I'm not you sweatdrop that's so not funny actually it is pretty funny! I it quite funny haha!!! THAT'S IT TIME TO GO!!!! scream NO KITTY DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!! gonk I'm sorry Sora but we do have to go sweatdrop awwww man Dark and Daisuke will be coming FINE! Dark's cuter than you anyway! scream mmmm damn it*Gives Sora a kiss on the cheek and ran off* ...... eek hee hee KITTY!!!!! 4laugh eek Wow guess you werent expecting that X3 nope but I liked it! blaugh i bet mrgreen ---------------- ha I told you I could steal it with out your help! AWWW SHUT UP DAISUKE! Dark your so mean HI GUYS!!!! SORA!*hugs Sora* just don't huge Kanna I don't think she likes them very much sweatdrop yeah she doesnt really awww fine! haha your loss XP by the way what did you steal this time?? X3 dragon? well its better than a monkey .... SHUT UP! scream quit being so mean to Sora! mind your own business Daisuke! lol but it is his business...its both of yours X3 ........*sniff* cry hih?! OK OK I'M SORRY! about time you said it! mmmm *mumble* stare hee hee I'm better now haha sucker X3 NOT FUNNY! YES IT IS! hahaha! well we got to get going mom wants me home rofl YAY lets go! BYE BYE! bye Sora, bye Conna! see ya! okay bye
Kanna Moako · Thu Apr 19, 2007 @ 02:30am · 2 Comments |