you know you wanna gimme a 10 =D
3:02 p.m. April 16, 2007
(We are finally at the building)
Well my little sister is getting ready to move, I mean it. She was asking “Where are we at?” and it came out as “Waryat?” So now my parents at making cracks that they are going to make World of Warcraft characters. One will be ‘Waryat’ and the other will be ‘Moyock’. We are currently sitting in the waiting room in now almost dead silence, which Erin just ruined. Out of nowhere she says “I like milk” and my mom is like “Yeah right, every time I see you with a glass of milk, it is never finished”
“Well I finished it the first time, like on Sunday”
“Oh, one day of the week, amazing”
3:13 p.m. April 16, 2007
(Still in the waiting room)
Erin is playing Animal Crossing currently and the last time she played she forgot to save, so when she logged in Resetti gave her a big lecture. My mom randomly brought up something. A guy in the warehouse at the Navy Exchange got a random message on his cell phone and it said: You’ve been hit with a snowball, send this to ten other people.
So he throws a yellow back at the person, and it turned out to be a girl.
What did she do you ask? She sent back a red one. The discussion stopped right there.
3:24 p.m. April 16, 2007
(Now in the Twiford law firm)
3:28 p.m. April 16, 2007
(Now in the room, beginning documents for house)
It is a purely white room. You walk into the door which is currently behind me and on the same wall in a 4 panel Japanese painting with flowers and clouds, and a hole towards the bottom in the panel closest to me. In the very middle of the room in a polished deep down table, with seven chairs around it, and I’m sitting in the chair closest to the door. There is a light tatami mat about 1foot x 1.5 feet. On top of the mat, a little off center, is a white vase with blue flowers painted on it and a blue band, then a yellow band that is double the height of the blue band, and then a green band which is double the height of the yellow band, which reverses as you go up. In the corner adjacent with the door, not on the wall with the painting, but the other adjacent wall, in a plant, growing about 5 feet tall. It is obvious the plant is fake; the leaves are so green even though there is barely any humidity and sunlight in the room. The carpet in this room is a burgundy color, very plain and somewhat clashes with all the dark brown. On the wall opposite of the door, in the middle of the wall (in height and length) there is a 4foot x 2foot window with vertical blinds. On the very last wall is a picture with the globe split in half showing all the continents and things of the such. In each corner on the picture are portraits of people, but I’m not quite sure who they are. The picture has black paper around it, then a gold trim. About 1.5feet away from the painting to the right is another window of the same height and length of the last one, same vertical blinds. On the ceiling there is a light, like in the schools, dead in the middle of the ceiling. Above the first window is a vent, currently wide open but the A.C. isn’t on currently. In the corner opposite the corner the door is in, there is a cabinet turned diagonally with brass hinges and handles. The cabinet is as high as the table. It has a black phone on top of it and some papers. Overall the room doesn’t really match that well, and it is very plain.
3:45 p.m. April 16, 2007
(Parents finally beginning to sign paperwork)
3:56 p.m. April 16, 2007
(First problem with paperwork)
My dad is a 30% disabled veteran because of his knee. There was a form that had all these different questions and if we said ‘yes’ to any of them, we need another stack of papers instead of the ones we have. Well there was one about being a disabled veteran and something about the retired taxes etc. One had to do with being a disabled veteran even the smallest bit and something about the VA. I don’t completely understand, might need to go into some legal studies. Either way the lawyer we’re working with had to make a phone call and have someone come in and take the paper and see if we could do something about that. However, everything is running smoothly now and we are waiting for her response.
4:01 p.m. April 16, 2007
I was typing through the last paragraph and the lawyer was moving some papers around and out of nowhere “If I could type like that, I’d be in some serious business” and everyone laughed and I laughed a bit with. I’ve been in the back here the whole time, nearly perfectly silent except for me typing, so it was kind of funny. At least we got a lawyer with a sense of humor and still takes his work seriously.
Note: It is MOyock, not MUyock. The lawyer asked my dad all the questions he is supposed to for one sheet about where we are moving to. And my dad pronounced it Moyock and the lawyer was like “Congratulations, you passed that test”
4:08 p.m. April 16, 2007
(Still signing paperwork, my leg has fallen asleep)
Tina Clements (our realtor lady) asked us “Are you optimistic yet?” The reason being is we told her we wouldn’t be optimistic till the lock boxes were off the doors and the keys were in our hands. Then I thought about it, I’m never optimistic… Currently all I am thinking it ‘what if something goes wrong? What if the bank messes up something? What if our mail isn’t sent to us, then we can’t pay the bills, then we get kicked out? What if we miss one thing on the paperwork and everything is ruined?’ yes…I am a pessimist.
4:15 p.m. April 16, 2007
5:49 p.m. April 16, 2007
Well all went well and we own a house now, I have a key to the house and a key I found on a nail on the wall in a room. My mom has a key, and my dad has a key. I was taking a picture while we were in the house and a wasp flew by and I just about jumped through the roof. The stove, heater, water, drier, and lighting works perfectly. The drier heats up in about 10 seconds along with the stove. The lights are perfectly bright and they left the blinds for us. We are on the road currently headed for Arby’s for our ‘yay! We blew a quarter of a million dollars’ celebration. We just passed a school and the name of it is “Sheep Harney elementary school” and I yelled ‘Polymorph!’ out of nowhere. My dad says “Sheep horny school” and we all start laughing. Why would you name a school that? Sheep Harney? I would be embarrassed to say I went there. Fortunately for me, I will be going to Currituck County High as a Currituck Knight. Lucky me.
5:55 p.m. April 16, 2007
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