Title speaks for itself. biggrin I absolutely, positively LOVE you guys for doing this! Thank you so much! heart
This entry is for art made for these avatars. These avvies are all my two-piece outfits, which means top and bottom (ie. Crossed Sports Bra & Nurse Skirt; Classic Partition Top & Brownie Ribbon Skirt):

Art is in order from first received to the newest one I've gotten. 3nodding
Total Art Count For This Avvie: 12

Maker: - H a r u k o -
Received: 3.31.07
Comments: -brings back memories of old Saturday morning Pokemon cartoons- It looks SO cool. ^^

Maker: sakuraikumiann
Received: 3.31.07
Comments: Aw, it looks so cute! ^^ Pretty... biggrin

Maker: Emmi_San
Received: 3.31.07
Comments: Aw, it's adorable. 3nodding Love it!

Maker: Snakemanofthedesert
Received: 4.1.07
Comments: You're sweet, thanks so much for re-doing it! n_n It's cute, thanks!

Maker: Enjuku
Received: 4.1.07
Comments: It's really cute! ^^ It's a great bumping image.

Maker: rubberduckiez
Received: 4.1.07
Comments: It's adorable! I love the marker medium. n_n

Maker: DireAdelle
Received: 4.1.07
Comments: "Rainbow Week- Purple!" night! Gorgeous... and still loving the full lips! heart

Maker: DireAdelle
Received: 4.14.07
Comments: "Sin Week- Lust (excessive sexual appetites)!" night! Ooh, for better use of words, "raunchy".. hehe... but still absolutely awesome. 4laugh

Maker: DireAdelle
Received: 4.17.07
Comments: Just an animation idea I gave for Miss Adelle there... not really made FOR me, but I'm still giving her credit because I'm probably going to use it in my sig! ^^ I think it's adorable.

Maker: Debussie
Received: 4.29.07
Comments: Yay for cupcakes! It's adorable. n_n Will definitely be making more purchases from your shop.

Maker: LostHysteria
Received: 5.18.07
Comments: A cute full-body of my somewhat cluttered avvie! ^^ I love it.

Maker: ElizaLena
Received: 5.22.07
Comments: So adorable! I love the chocolate theme... it makes me hungry for chocolate. ^^ Great drawing.
Community Member
Liek omg I drew that~!
I feel luffled~!
Amber's pic of you turned out wonderful! (I guess I never saw it)