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Faith Miyu's Journal
^_^ hello dearest.. who the HELL is Jane ann or do you have some thing you like to say. is there some thing you dont like about me AURORA ^_^ and if so id LOVE to hear it. well for your FYI yeah i dont like you either and i dont give a s**t what you think so take you foot out of your a** and see that you're hurting people. and that you think you can just take way people or use them for your own god damn use. why would say some thing like "btw... that is the dictionary deffinition... and i don't care if the president was over at your house... i like Rover but i really don't like you, Jane Ann" YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT MY NAME IS NOT JANE ANN or is that coz Alpha is over? AND IF YOU LIKE ROVER THEN WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT. And i wasn't being a b***h about the definition and i KNOW that its the definition. i thought that instead of the "real" def it would be more like Family BUT you know the "Dictionary" Def. But the Quistion lays on the table do you really Know what the TRUE REAL DEF. of FRIENDS Friendship IS. it a shame coz it seems like you dont. and im not going to tell you nither will anyone else. BUT i'll tell you this pick your self up by your boots straps and when you do and do it YOur self like a big girl and if you do then you'll know what it means ^_^ have a great life with Alpha and your bf ^_^

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Faith Miyu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 13, 2005 @ 07:29pm
yes i think i lost it there ><

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