Get ready for next week!!! I'll inform you all when It's time to vote!!!
Here's the Description:
The Winged Goddess is the goddess of wings. She hails in the heavens and grants wings to all the angels and flying creatures on earth. She has granted wings to dragons, gryffins, bugs like scarabs, and birds. She has the ability to manipulate her wings in any way into any form or size. If need be, she can even strip the wings of any creature or make them unable to fly. (examples: chickens and ostrichs)
Since there has been a multipication of creatures, she has bought the WING headband or Winged Internation Networking Gadget for the Millenium to contact her more quickly to distribute wings. The winged sandals were a gift from Hermes(the Messenger God) which he made for her for her birthday.Her shirt is supposed to be a starry sky.
Inspiration: I was inspired by angels and wings.
Well, I hope you all enjoy!!
bluerose09 Community Member |
Community Member