When we got to the wake, we were pretty much the only ones there-at first. At the funeral home I walked into alot of rooms to find grandpa. I came up to a sign that had his name on it. When I went in there, I saw grandpa in the casket with it's top right open
eek ! Looking at grandpa's face-eyes pulled back in his skull, skin tight, bones showing-it was sad seeing him not moving
cry . I felt sooo bad loking at him all stiff and stuff. I went over to him and kissed him on the head. It felt like kissing a cold rock with a thin layer of leather over it. But I didn't care-either way, he's still my grandpa. As I was walking away I noticed that somebody, (most likely a little kid), drew him a picture of a turtle. Turtles were his favorite animal. I decided togive him something to keep with him. So I went outside and drew a picture of an angel for him. My cousin jenny signed it as I was inking it in.
Then when I went back in with the picture finished, a priest was already there. He said some prayers and then we left.
There now leaving for the second part....
This is the picture I drew for him I (along with jenny's signature!):