He looks just like he does in my avatar:

History: ((WIP))
Personality: He is very out going, and eccentric, yet he is very mature and classy. He has a certain charm that seems to attract people, yet he dosen't want anything to do with them, and goes friendless. He can be rude, and tends to be arrogant. He is however a fairly genorus and all around nice guy once you get to know him. Unfourtatnly very few have actually gotton to know him this well. If you ever find him ranting about a random subject, for he does often, just let him do his thing, because he might get a little mad.
Artwork of Cracovin: ((None)) sweatdrop
Weapons: He dosen't use weapons, for he usually just sits around at bars making friends then abondoning them. But if he has to, he is quite fond, and a pretty skilled with short swords, and if he can get his hands on one, he'll use it.
Cracovin · Mon Mar 21, 2005 @ 06:51am · 1 Comments |