I've been feeling drowsy lately, it's strange how during the times I have off, are the only times I get sick... My body is backstabbing me? Fine! I'll stab it back, in the back (oh god, that pun was horrible)! Hand me a knife, or a spork, actually yeah make it a spork
 So what else is there to talk about? Well, I saw the encore of the new south park yesterday night, loved it, and in honor the new multimedia will now be the awesome series of fights between Cartman and a little-man! Rawr, I went half the day without realizing that the clocks were set 1 hour later... I was late for about 3 things
...Well, I better go scar more people for life, so many minds, so little time.
In other news: I'm considering changing the theme to something more personal rather than using some other random person's theme, dunno yet, but you may want to pay attention for some changes
Treaking Fypo · Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 11:12pm · 2 Comments |