Newest Arrival:
Quote: Played by;; E- b o n y . E- c l a i r Character Name;; Matsumoto Ryo Gender;; Male Age;; 19 Occupation;; University Student Appearance;; S o m e w h a t OF A Dreamer.
Ryo is a rather tall, skinny boy. He stands at exactly six feet and half an inch, and for all his length he has little in bulk. In fact, he has the build of a swimmer, which made his days on the swim team a breeze. His skin is neatly golden and pale, flawless of markings like freckles, but abundant in scars. He's got a knick on his left eyebrow from an accident involving broken glass and several stitches. His hands are long and broad, making for unintentional clumsiness when nervous, but incredible gentleness while drawing or playing an instrument. To add on to his athletic form - lean, wiry and thin - he has a good singing voice: strong, golden and light. With deeply green eyes, like when the sun glints off a piece of jade, and raven-wing hair that is perpetually too long and scruffy, he's a rather attractive boy. Personality;; It's bizarre, really, just how docile Matsumoto Ryo, child prodigy and son of Matsumoto Ichigo, was as both an individual and a student. For all that he comes from a fabulously eccentric, powerful background and lineage, there seems to be nothing about him that speaks of a person capable of cruel or condescending actions. Of course, there's a difference between having no backbone and having no willpower; Ryo just seems to lack sufficient quantities of both. His moral purity as somewhat of an oddity, considering how he was brought up, and truth be told he startles most people that meet him. A quick evaluation of Matsumoto Ryo would reveal that he's considerably meek, easily frightened and yet he has an astoundingly good sense of humor.
On the surface, Ryo's personality is but a mirror of what he feels on the inside. More often than not, his emotions play across his face like a film moving frame by frame. Even those that are slow to pick up on people's sentiments find Ryo an easy person to read, figuratively speaking. The theory that a person's eyes are the portal to their soul couldn't be anymore true around the young heir. His facial expressions are rarely controllable unless he's completely unwilling for others to know what he's feeling, but even that's an occasion yet to be witnessed. Ryo's young cousins love to tease and taunt him, just so that they can see his face look all funny as he gets frustrated or embarrassed.
Oh, on another note, Ryo's a very nervous individual. Personal questions make him blush, as do quite a few things in general. He blushes much like a girl would, and the more nervous he is, the brighter the blush. Goodness, it's quite a show when he's been humiliated or embarrassed. He goes all humble and stuttering on you if you aren't careful with your words. He's so mellow and good-natured, it even makes the worst bullies feel guilty for picking on him when his internal turmoil blossoms on his sunny, amiable features. What's worst, sarcasm has no affect on him at all. In fact, he really has a hard time figuring out when a person's being sarcastic or not, so sarcastic jokes are lost on him. Which is rather sad, considering his age; he should be used to sarcasm, and be able to recognize it, but maybe it's because he grew up surrounded by sarcasm that his distinguishing skills are so poor. Ryo gets told that he's rather "Dense" or "Stupid" after awhile once a person realizes he just doesn't get sarcasm. The poor boy.
Ryo is a pure hearted boy. He considers others before himself, and is perpetually selfless and sympathetic. Honestly, he's probably the strangest Superman you'll ever meet, minus the superhuman abilities, secret identity and bulging muscles. What's striking about him is the depth of caring he feels for others, and his forthright sense of responsibility. He can't stand seeing others hurt, pushed around, used or tormented beyond civilized fun. If there was ever a time that Ryo shows that he's more than just an apprehensive wallflower, it's when another person is being manipulated and physically harmed. Ryo would rather take a pounding in place of the one that was getting it than allow bullying to go on unheeded. In fact, this sense of duty and protection is what caused him the most trouble growing up; his hospital visits were all cases of thorough beatings by young tormentors.
A few other traits that are obvious about Ryo is that he's a clumsy goofball. He likes to laugh and consider the best of any situation. His lightheartedness is oftentimes infectious, which is probably where most of his appeal comes from. People like him for his easy going personality, optimism, natural klutziness, spirited laughter and, well, the fact he's a very attractive young man. Not that he's egotistical, of course. In fact, half the time he finds it surprising when a girl tells him he's handsome [or sexy] or when he discovers that he has 'fans.' If he were to be given a label, he would be a Dreamer; Ryo is renown for staring off into the distance and daydreaming, and he's prone to saying something romantic without realizing it. Which doesn't help his nerves, which blister and show up the most around girls. He doesn't quite have a phobia of girls, but he certainly doesn't have an easy time relaxing around them either. He's always afraid that he'll do or say something stupid around them, so he gets all twisted up and confused when forced into conversing with them.
One thing's for certain, though: Ryo is passionately in love with music and art. He's dreamy demeanor reflects his innermost aspects, all of which revolve around his natural genius for music and talent with art. He's dedicated above all things, and tends to forget himself and his whereabouts when working on any one of his two loves. Bio;; Successful parents are hard to live with sometimes. Ryo figured this out early on in his childhood as he grew up. His home was dominated by his mother, the singer of a rock group known throughout the world, and his father, a prominent manga artist of the 1990's and President of WhiteStripe Corp. - a manga brand highly sought after by emerging manga artists. Simply said, both of his parents are a little... unique. Matsumoto Ichigo was a man of daring and spunk, with 'magical fingers' that brewed up hit manga volumes that sold on international levels and earned instant recognition among the cartooning world. His company, WhiteStripe Corp., was a project he built from the ground up when he was only twenty-five. To this day, WhiteStripe Corp. is a leading manga publishing company that seeks out new talent among up and coming cartoonists. Ichigo's own work was phenomenal; it led to a revolution in the manga world, and started up several new styles. The sense of fashion, realism, fantasy and romance mystery conjoined within the pages of Ichigo's series were breathtaking and entertaining. Children around the world anticipated the revealing of a new volume done by Ichigo as much as they would going to an amusement park. Matsumoto Ichigo was a brilliant, witty man, of noble background and strict parentage.
On the other hand, there is Ryo's mother, Matsumoto Riko. Also known as, "Cho," which translates simply to "Butterfly." Indeed, Ryo's mother was Cho, the Blue Butterfly of the band Na'Omi, lead singer and international rock star. She was the idol of millions, selling records left and right, with hit songs skyrocketing to the top of the charts with nearly every release. She was amazingly talented, with a voice that could float like a feather on a warm summer breeze, or heat until the skin near melted off a listener's skin. She played the keyboard, the drums and on occasion, the guitar. By all means, she was the picture of a dream. Riko wasn't a beautiful woman; instead, she was captivating and whimsical, with the face of a fairy and a style that sung of rainbows and neon. Cho traveled everywhere, and when she met Ichigo and they had Ryo together after marriage, he traveled with them. All across the world, from the European countries, America, the Caribbean, China and back to their home: Japan.
Of course, Ryo wasn't an only child; well, not really. Cho had a sister, Kimiko, who had two kids, Momo and Akihiro, who are presently the ages eleven and eight. Kimiko died several years ago, when Momo was three and Akihiro was six, from a car accident in China; Cho adopted her sister's children and from that day forwards Ryo had younger siblings. It wouldn't have been so bad, really, since Ryo really likes children, but Momo and Akihiro were mischievous sprites from day one. They soon grew to realize just how 'wimpy' Ryo was - unable to say no, if you would - and so they took full advantage of this weakness in the adorably horrific way children do. They have fun teasing, taunting and basically tormenting Ryo into knots and pieces. Of course, since Ryo's the forgiving type and easily swayed by cute things, he allows them to do what they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone... seriously.
So, Ryo was a worldly man by the age of thirteen, having traveled to four continents and countless countries, learned two different languages besides his own and formed a deep fascination for both of his parent's talents. As luck would have it, it turned out his parent's genes had gifted him in both departments: he had an ear and head for music, while his imagination and sense of shape and proportions allowed him to excel in his art courses. He graduated from Ouran High school a year early - he'd been home schooled for much of his life - after his parents decided to settle down in Japan once again. During his short years at Ouran, Ryo discovered a darker side of life. His cordial, compassionate nature was scorned by the other boys, and whenever he tried to interfere with the bullying that took place after school hours, Ryo found himself as the center of attention.
A routine formed: Ryo, unable to stand to one side and watch others be hurt, wound up being pummeled again and again and again... and again. He never backed down, despite his own fear and timid nature, despite that he'd been sent to the hospital repeatedly with an array of different injuries - a broken arm, bruised ribs, a concussion, broken fingers, a dislocated shoulders, major cuts and swellings. His parents only partially understood his motives, and tried their best to dissuade him of partaking in such heroic actions, no matter how good his intentions were. They were worried that one day he might wind up in a situation beyond simple bullying and that situation would spiral out of control. Of course, they had good reason to worry. Ryo never did quit what he had been doing, all the way through high school, and because of all his skirmishes and acts of bravado, he was forced to find a way to get stronger if he was ever to do any good. So he joined the swim team and the track team, even though he didn't particularly like sports. Surprisingly enough, Ryo's long, trim body brought him dead even with some of the athletes that had been training for years. Natural talent, it would seem, was abundant in Ryo's gene pool.
He's lived in the same place for four years - the longest time yet in one home - and by the looks of it his parents won't be moving anytime soon. He'd grown beyond living at home, and could do whatever he wanted once he turned eighteen, but instead he decided to go to the local University to get a degree in music and art. However, during his second semester of college, it turned out that he was required to take up a work-study program. Shortly after hearing this, and knowing Ouran high participated in such activities, it was decided that Ryo would go to Ouran High to work part time, although he's not sure just which class he wants to do this in yet.
Momo and Akihiro. Ryo plays both the clarinet, the guitar and the keyboard. He carries around a sketchbook in his bag, and his clothes come from his mother's personal designers. He had his tongue pierced as a dare when he was sixteen. His right ear is pierced three times, while his left only two. He wears glasses, but only when reading and drawing; otherwise he wears contacts. While he may seem gay at times - the wuss - he's actually drawn to both sexes, although he fears girls and doesn't know what to make of guys. Bi-curious, if you would, and not certain about having a relationship in either direction. He's fond of sweets and night time, although he doesn't object to spicy foods and soaking in the sun at the beach. He like amusement parks and rollercoasters and funny stuffed animals. He get's odd nicknames for being so clumsy all the time, which are mostly ironic and contradictory to his true nature. He's an object of fascination for girls and teasing for guys; he gets picked on a lot, but in the end he's respected more than anything. He befriend's people too easily and pays for it all too often. He's naive, gullible and remarkably bright for someone who's never had an official girlfriend. Font color;; Medium&Spring&Green. <3
Quote: Kiss{kiss} L O V E
» Puppet Master ;; ||{.:: E B O N - Y ::.}|| » My Mark ;; Of all the colors, Cadetblue stands at attention while in use.
» Name ;; Ootori Kyouya ;;; "Mother" » Appearance ;; "I have deduced that your imagination has no coherence whatsoever..." » Personality ;; Third son of the Ootori family, Kyouya aims to become the successor of his family business; he is also the vice president of the Ouran High School Host Club, which he takes great care for financially.
Kyouya does not act on greed, but he is a calculating man that acts on events he would benefit from. Otherwise, he rarely seems to care for things that would not be beneficial to him; or, at least this is what he lets others think. From the Host Club to his computer, he uses those things to gain money, information, and a social relationship with friends and students from families that would benefit the Ootori family business. Anything that makes a profit, Kyouya is definitely behind it. He is devious and inventive, and will often not hesitate to use the power of his family's name to get things done quick and proper. His mind is sharp and profound: Kyouya seems to have a store of information tucked away into his memory, which is astoundingly accurate. As for dealing with the actual customers of the Ouran Host Club, he is nothing but courteous, humble and polite, with a tad bit of good-natured humor to keep guests comfortable (considering that he likes to create connections for the Ootori Corporation).
He claims to do nothing which does not profit him, and tells Haruhi that this is the only reason he is friends with Tamaki and involved with the Host Club, saying that there is "not one millimeter of similarity" between himself and Tamaki. This, however, appears to be a lie. Kyouya is altruistic in his own way, and often seems to act on Tamaki's behalf. Though he would never admit it, he is good friends with Tamaki and wouldn't hesitate to do what he suggests, suggestions like visiting Haruhi's house and ideas for new events are some that he would act out on without hesitating. He understands Tamaki the best of all the members and probably knows the most about the members because of research in his handy laptop and notebook. Kyouya likes to be efficient and well-organized, and although he seems to take surprises and mishaps in stride, he does not like to be caught off guard. Especially when it comes to something he is emotionally committed or connected to. For all that Kyouya is the labeled 'Cool Type' of the Ouran Club, he is genuinely concerned when it comes to his friends, and often seems to be a defender of the Club. He's even vengeful and manipulative at times. He has a calm sense of logic, which ironically matches his bizarre ability to 'read' the fine print of otherwise confusing/awkward/harmful situations.
Kyouya prefers spicy foods over sweets: something he doesn't really care for. Perhaps that's why you never see Kyouya eating cake or any kind of sweet while hosting. He'll drink tea, or the "commoner" coffee that the club serves, but overall, rather than eating, he'll conjure up new ways to save and gain money. He also doesn't eat a lot because he cares about his fingers being slender... Also, Kyouya has low blood pressure and wakes up with a bad temper, which earned him the nickname of "Low Blood Pressure Demon Lord". As such, he tends to sleep in until noon. He has a curious sense of humorous, and hates being bored, and oftentimes is most comfortable when he is watching the comical antics of the other Ouran members. Kyouya, for one reason or another, has an appreciation---maybe even respect---for romance, but not for himself. Basically, Kyouya does not believe it is worth his time to become involved with someone - even secretly - considering that there are few benefits from messy 'love-love' situations. Unfortunately, he suffers from both a tinge of jealousy and loneliness because of his self-isolation.
Aside from the club, Kyouya excels in his year by always topping the score of all the classmates of his year, bumping Tamaki down to rank two of the second years. His favorite subjects are German, English, and Physics. He likes to read, and although he doesn't seem the type, he is a fan of tradition. Nobody seems to know if Kyouya is even possible of feeling embarrassed; albeit, he is acquainted with what a person would call 'shame.' He likes to be right about things - not in the egotistical sense - and would like nothing more than to step out of the shadows of his two older brothers.
» Sample ;; An rp sample of you as this canon.
Quote:  What Meets the Eye
Christened: Niamara Evinniene Hilont ;; for the S A K E of simplicity: "Nia" Praying to: E- b o n y . E- c l a i r Fighting for: T W E N T Y - five //.25. See no evil: I'll slice your heart out. Stop staring: M a h o g a n y bled with shades of AMBeR You're just right: Five Seven //.::5'7" ;; One Two and Zero //.::120lbs Bringin' home the tofu: The Loyal Knight
This or That
Favourite: • food: Stew; satisfying on those cold, chilled-to-the-bone days. • drink: Spiced Cider; lies sweet on the tongue with a tinge of sharpness to take comfort in. • nation: Sengal; by my honor, and my country, I serve. • animal: Panther; solitary, for the hunt, for the pride, for the mystery. • weapon: Glaive; strike with every advantage in hand. • weather: Moist: misty and/or cloudy; arouses contemplation and calm.
Who Are You?
Not entirely normal:
• Loathes being thought of as burdensome or seen as someone with little use. This includes her lack of respect for men who use her sex as a joke and/or an excuse. • Does not know how to swim, and therefore chooses to bath in shallow pools • Likes cool, moist, cloudy weather, and yet has a severe thunderstorm phobia. [Ceraunophobia.] • Will take out her frustration on inanimate objects when she thinks no one is watching. • Has a soft spot for the arts; from songs to stories to poetry. • Her weakness is her loyalty to the people: she will defend them to her very limits, and then some.
But not very strange:
• Philanthropic • Steadfast • Passionate • Benign • Humorous • Aggressive • Diligent • Bull-headed • Honest [brutally so...] That bard's playing my song: How To Save A Life by The Fray
Quote: Name: Rei M. Lexington Age: Twenty-Three Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: [x] [X] [x] Personality: Contemplative, enigmatic, humorous and mule-headed. A man of complex mentality by nature, Rei hardly ever displays shows of timely personality habits. Off-handedly he's an interesting, reserved fellow who tends to talk the most when he's had a few shots of something strong and disgraceful. His mind is sharp when he's sober, and Rei's a good person when it comes down to it. He doesn't mind when someone speaks their mind to him, if only to relieve the tension of their own troubles. His mental nature is almost dual-sided; at any moment he could be straightforward, impersonal and cold when spoken to, considered indifferent to the petty matters and feelings of others. When he is in this mind set, Rei is considered invulnerable to things such as emotional and physical pain - or so says the populace that observes him from time to time. What they are not privy to is the fact that Rei takes on this cold shell in order to preserve what little of his soul is left; the soul that he used to cherish and share with his brethren alike. Element: Ice Extra: Rei has been traveling for the last five or so years; ever since his mother was killed during a street fight that broke out while she was on her way home. His father, a stern businessman in the empires of imports and exports, passed away two years ago from a weak heart, leaving Rei with his fortune and belongings since Rei was the sole heir to the Lexton estates. Rei, having never shown a particular interest in his apparent wealth - aside from the fact it allowed him to see all the places he wanted to - now has to come to terms with the fact he has an entire empire to stand at the helm of. Luckily for him, his father had a very well-established chain of employees, ready to stand up to the task of training the newest Lexton Lord. On the other hand, Rei has a young cousin, Sonya Winters, who recently moved into the city looking for work. Rei, upon meeting the young woman, offered her a place to stay, which she readily accepted. When it comes to Rei's involvement with the Artificial elements and their leader... there is little to be said. With all his 'moving about the world for the sake of research', he's left himself with few friends and fewer allies, even as his 'power' grows, secretly, with the 'Diplomat' of his city dropping more hints at what is to be expected of him in the future. For now, Rei continues to be an alcoholic, with seemingly no interest in love or society other than the occasional gala he attends for the sake of his new company; his travels, in actuality were to further his understanding of his power, training his body into a fitness that could endure what his icy element called for.
Quote: Name: Sonya R. Winters; "Reni" Age: Twenty Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: [x] [X] [x] Personality: Sweet and green as they come, Sonya is tentative little thing with a big heart... and a little secret. Her cousin Rei perceived her to be an eager, task-ready, charming flower with an exotically tender, musical voice and few experiences concerning the 'real world.' As a sincere, sometimes bold young woman, Sonya gives the appearance of being an easy target for men and women alike; her naive, philosophical beliefs sometimes amuse those that have less-than-pure intentions for her. With a mulish chin and deer-like eyes, many individuals are drawn to her: be it for her childish fits of rage or easily embarrassed nature. She tends to be brave-hearted even when her knees are knocking, and would rather protect those she cherishes than run away as commanded. She's firm in her ways, bewildered by slang, creative, and astoundingly intelligent for a girl who seems to lack exposure to the meaner side of life. Element: None Extra: Sonya is a young investigator for a discreet branch of the military. She has been delegated the task of delving into the layers of 'lower' society with the intention of discovering the whereabouts of a so-called rebellion. Or, at least, the rebellion that has yet to actual start; going on hints and gossip, Sonya is constantly faced with challenges daily, which her quick-thinking, clever-minded self has been capable of handling up to the point where she was relocated. When she was offered the opportunity to stay with her older cousin, Rei, Sonya jumped at the chance: not only was his home within a short ride of her superior's home, but she could infiltrate the workings of the Lexton empire that worked in the 'lower' area. Which she did: as an assistant seamstress and book-keeper.
From: To Be Human
Quote: [ NAME ] Beau Flynn ; "Seraph" [ SIDE ] Thorp [ AGE ] 20twenty [ HEIGHT ] 5'11" [ GENDER ] Male [ PERSONALITY ] Contemplative, enigmatic, humorous and mule-headed. A man of complex mentality by nature, Beau hardly ever displays shows of timely personality habits. In other words, don't expect to understand Beau right off the back, seeing as he not only has a split personality due to the Thorps mutation but his background keeps him from truly opening up to those around him. Off-handedly he's an interesting, reserved fellow who tends to talk the most when he's had a few shots of something strong and disgraceful. His mind is sharp when he's sober, and Beau's a good person when it comes down to it. He doesn't mind when someone speaks their mind to him, if only to relieve the tension of their own troubles. With the world as it is, Beau often grows angry and disgusted whenever he hears or sees something about the war, Thorps, hunting and so forth. Those troubled emotions, though, are kept to himself - something he prefers - and he tends to channel that negative energy into fighting, ect. [ BIO ] Beau's not one to talk about his past, but then again not many people are nowadays. Some basic facts would be that Beau never knew his father, whom assumedly died a few years after Beau was born. Beau's mother, Niamara [Nia], raised him alone without ever remarrying; although she did have another child four years later. A girl, Sandry, who's very existence changed Beau's life and perspective. Sandry still lives with Nia, but Beau left home when he was sixteen, determined to do something, anything, concerning his mutations and the war that was rippling through the world. Beau never talks about his family, but it's apparent that he misses his little, broken family. [ APPEARANCE ] Normal; w/o power influence: Beau When he uses power; body: Beau When he uses power; eyes: Beau [ WEAPONS ] None, unless he pulls a feather from his back. Then he is not only armed, but lethal. Whoever said that feathers couldn't harm people, well, he/she was dead wrong. [ Abilities ] What Beau has, as a Thorp, might be considered a 'seraphim morphosis' when he releases his internal holds on his mutations. The effects of the Thorps gene is most apparent physically in Beau: from his shoulder-blades sprout giant, resilient, pale-gray wings; his eyes bleed red, his irises white; scars that aren't seen while he's in his normal form crack along his body as if freshly done; lastly, his skin appears to be coated with flakes of gold dust or glitter, as if sunlight had been condensed and painted onto his body. With this metamorphosis, Beau's feathers are weapons as well as what make up his wings. When ripped from his wing, a feather will harden until steel-like, becoming heavy and sharp along the curved edge. However, it is intensely painful for Beau to pull out his feathers, which forces him to only do so when it's absolutely necessary. Last, but not least, Beau's final capability other than what his wings and feathers offer, would be the reason behind the dramatic change in his eyes. Like heat-seeking goggles, his eyes can see the heat radiating from a person's body, but the difference would be that his eyes not only see the warmth, but they can see the actual outlines of blood vessals beneath the skin. No, it's not x-ray vision, but something like when you hold your hand up to the sun: flesh is differentiated from bone and veins. [ OTHER ] Beau drinks habitually, as if he could really drown out his 'other half' and the memories that come with 'him.' His second personality usually remains dormant unless called or Beau experiences an something that causes extreme emotional distress. He hates it when people call him an 'angel', since he's anything but one. The fact that he craves blood and violence while 'changed' forces a strange resentment-fear attitude into Beau towards his mutation. Where his mental and physical stability is at any given time is all luck and chance; Beau secretly used to inflict pain on himself whenever he returned to normal, if only to escape the remorse and guilt he feels whenever he harms someone in his other form.
b o n n a b y · Wed Jan 03, 2007 @ 11:32pm · 0 Comments |