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View User's Journal

Kitarro's Log
This is a journal of my basic life on Gaia. Nothing special really. Just stuff about me and what I do.
Jack's clothes
I've working on getting all of the grab bags. So far I've gotten 3 of them. There are 8 total. I am trying to get some of that stuff for Hikki too. I like the Jack clothes. I think they look cool.

I got a hat finally. I actually got two of them. No luck on the cow bell though. I did get to tip a few but after spending all night on it I had to give up. (Seriously, I started at 10pm and it's now 5:30am and I still haven't gotten a damn bell). I worked hard too but people just have a faster connection than me so yeah. It sucks.

I'll just stick to trick-or-treating I guess..

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Ryder aka Toran
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Nov 02, 2006 @ 01:54pm
I wanna see you in a bell - just a bell.

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