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Kitarro's Log
This is a journal of my basic life on Gaia. Nothing special really. Just stuff about me and what I do.
Arena grrr
Why does everyone have to either dress completely dark or completely light in this game in order to be considered cool? I know that if people judged what I was wearing right now I would get low marks simply because I wasn't overloaded with donations or becaus I don't have any glitz or glam. I hate going into the arena and seeing people with like 20 million donation items covering every fiber of their being and people are hailing them like they are the greatest thing ever.

That or people that dress in all black. I'm sorry but even that is boring to me. At least at some style to your outfits. Black shirt, black pants, black coat, black lunar cloak is not going to do it for me.

Granted I will admit it looks good on some people and I am not dissing that it doesn't look nice but when you see it over and over and over again it gets so redundant.

I just hate how those idiots in the arena will slam on someone for being "simple" but praise someone for being like everyone else. Ugh. scream

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 28, 2006 @ 03:32pm
You are absolutely right Seiji. I frequent the arena and I see it far too often. People will actually tell people to come back when they add *insert uber expensive item here*. It's annoying. You dont have to be expensive to look good. I tend to rate down avatars that are too cluttered with expensive stuff. Just this week I commented to someone "I do not see why you entered as we can not even see you. My only conclusion is you entered simply to show how much your avatar is worth. Unfortunately this does not impress someone who actually has style. 3/10" I suppose I may have come across extremely rude but I think I just had enough of the expensive things winning.

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