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Faith Miyu's Journal
well it done for me
that it i had it this is the last hint i'll give out......oh no wait im going to TELL YOU.. stressed i am so far from PISSED OFF!!! and i'll just come out and say it.. i dont CARE what you have to sayalphai just wait you to know yes im impatient, YES i know i can be mean and some times can be a b***h...but the bigs one is you!!! i'v had listen to your problems...yeah you listend to "some" stare of mine but everyone else has been their for me like a friend should.. you snubed me out you've lied to not oly me but others too...and GOD DOES NOT KNOW HOW GOD DAMN PISSED OFF I AM!!! i dont know why you lied...why you snubed me why you seem to treat me like im not there.. this had happend to me BEFORE.. with on of my closes friends and you know who im talking about (at least hope so) and im not going to go though the same hurt and have another ******** crying seassion.. so here i go...i hate you right now more then i hate anyone in this world right now.. you act like your so high and ******** mighty but your not you think YOU GOT IT SO ******** BAD... i'd like you to be in some on who has live though hell.. some one who doesnt have one sib or who is having there life chosen FOR THEM. or more like go though some ones shoes that you know is going though tuff times.. see if you can support them dont be controling like every one knows you are.. (i my self can some times be controlling as well) but it like your in your own little world.. you've hit your friends (i my self inclued) and we've told you to stop.. and you've have but god.. your a stubburn little girl.. that all if you see where im going and how i feel then well talk.. but other wise just leave me alone. ok crying im done with enough that i get anxiety attacks aready as it is.. i dont need you to give me a heart attack.. crying im done with this you got some thing to say with out fight ing or yelling at me.. let talk then ok.. good bye and good luck to you in the future.. stare crying