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Princess Chex's Journal

Princess Chex
Community Member
Ragnarok Online Relationships
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Steve finally came over to the Philippines! OMG! Thats why I've been so inactive on Gaia and well yeah my wireless at the dorm sucks! Urgh! Anywayz, here are some pics of me n him! He left last night... OMG I swear... I was dying as we got closer to the airport entrance, those last few mins I spent with him at the airport were so meaningful. When he finally went in I just walked outside and followed him til I couldn't see him anymore... I'm so sad but really happy in a way cause I got to spend a lot of time with him. Its just kinda hard since I got so used to him being here next to me all the time... then suddenly when I woke up this morning he isn't here... I miss him so much... I love you Stevie... I love you so much!!! Here is one of our pics... OMG I MISS HIM! These past 2 weeks have the been the best in my life! I swear! <3 <3 <3

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Also ever since he came I've been eating... A LOT! It's crazy! Hahaha! Anywayz here are some shots of the food! Dumplings, pizza, chicken, barbeque etc! LOL! Oh yeah... chickens beware... Stevie is not nice with a knife! XD Oh yeah Steves chocolate cake and the coconut! LOL... OMG it was hilarious when Steve saw the balot egg [the premature duck egg they gave as a challenge on fear factor but its a delicacy here] XD

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Haha anywayz thats all for now! I'll post some pics here soon! And sweety... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! <3

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