Ok, I should have done this a week ago, but I'm pretty busy sorry. Yesterday(and to day...and through the rest of September) I am dedicating to the loss of the beloved crocodile hunter steve Irwin....*sob*
WHAAAAA!!! STEVE!!! gonk gonk gonk
.....ahem, yes we all know that he was so kind to animals and he will be missed cry
So in honnor of him, I will make an awsome profile of the CROCODILE HUNTER!! Yes it will be awsom and anyone can use it. I will put it up as soon as I finish....yup (But I really ought to get around making some anime profiles sweatdrop maybe my sister could do it )

Allways remember, Steve Irwin...
In rememberence of Steve Irwin(The Crocodile Hunter) I have dressed my avi as a crocodile hunter! Steve will live on!!
Nakeria · Tue Sep 12, 2006 @ 09:48pm · 0 Comments |