Wow.. school is coming up really soon. Wow. It's been a really short summer for me, but I've never reailized how much I liked school untill the school year was over. I'm not ready for school to come back at all. No clothes or moneh, or supplies. I gots nothing for school. So... NiNi has to get a lil part time job at the age of 14, just to get clothes and supplies. It sucks because we don't... have all the money in the world ... so we can afford everything. But I can get a job. It sucks, my father won't lemme get one. SO, school is coming up soon, and I gots nothing for it. So, this year is going to be rough on meh. =D
NiNi-Sama · Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 08:44am · 0 Comments |