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Kitarro's Log
This is a journal of my basic life on Gaia. Nothing special really. Just stuff about me and what I do.
I'm bored. I should go to bed but I'm awake right now. I might go crash on the couch and play some more Kingdom Hearts. I'm almost finished with it and I started it on Monday. I'm at Halloween Town now (which I read I wasn't even suppose to be at; I think I skipped two levels ahead but then again I haven't been following the walk-through guide at all since I started).

Thursday I start a job. I hope it goes alright. I need the cash flow to support my major spending habit. Ah, the life of the poor. I can't live it anymore. I'm going to die if I can't have money to buy things.

I guess that's it. Oh, and did I mention I got special props from Hikki at school. Sweet. heart You know you've hit it big when you're listed as a real life friend. Love it!

Okay I'm going now. I feel yucky. I need a shower...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Aug 17, 2006 @ 11:40pm
But of course, Tarro-kun! whee heart

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