This is my first journal entry, and I should probably start on a positive note, but honestly? I don't feel like it right now and I'd rather vent instead.
I've been job-hunting for a while now, and it's been a shitshow as it has been for everyone. I've had recruiters ghost me, unavailable job openings still being on job boards, and even have run into a MLM scam job...the list goes on and ON. But the worst part is those Indeed "required " skills/personality fit tests.
I hate them because they are literally legal loopholes companies can do to discriminate against people without getting caught. Making applicants take these tests automatically weed out those who have a learning disability, ADHD/autism or other mental/physical disabilities and these HR shitbags can get away with it scot-free. I wish these would become illegal.
It's so nasty that employers are starting to do this now while also making you answer a disability disclosure form where they lie to you that nobody will see that you checked "yes" on the form just to give people a false sense of security. I don't believe that they're telling the truth for a second because people have done experiments checking yes/no and seeing what happens and the second they check "yes", they get no callbacks. So messed up. I never check "yes" despite having ADHD/auditory sensitivity issues because I don't owe HR all of my personal medical information and I can handle things myself.
I applied for a job position that is not a math-oriented position whatsoever, and now Indeed is "suggesting" to me to take this mathematics skills test in order to complete my application. I have dyscalculia, and can't do algebra on the top of my head, but that isn't going to make me be unable to do all the other parts of the position.
Here's the picture:

Where in the description does it say that business math and creating/analyzing graphs specifically are part of this position? These are skills that would be much more reasonable and appropriate to test for accountants, not for this position. A PRINTER doesn't need to be able to do these specific skills well in order to do the job correctly, it's a visual-orientated job...this to me just screams intentional discrimination.
So messed up. Like HELL I ever will be considering working for this corrupt company.