I haven't been on Gaia for a few years, and I'm just getting back on to roleplaying and graphic designing. I'VE MISSED IT SO.
But I believe it will be short lived because I'm well on my way to go off to college in a couple months. I remember I joined Gaia and I was like 13 yrs old or somewhere around middle school years emotion_facepalm
Now I'm about to graduate high school and just live life. Maybe that's why I'm coming back to gaia, just to relive the good ol' days before I leave it again.
ACTUALLY TBH, if I were to go back to the good ol' days I'd start watching all my animes again. But I know with that and RPing I wouldnt have any time to work on college stuff /sobs
I have so much priorities rn for college and deadlines but im just kinda procrastinating like i always do huhuhuhu SORRY TO MY FUTURE SUFFERING SELF
im probs gonna hate myself later but i always do this to myself emotion_facepalm
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Daily Dose of One Peculiar Girl
Just a journal of what happens to me everyday. Whether it's a big experience, or something very dull--- OR IT'S JUST ME RANTING OR LAUGHING IDK EITHER WAY. WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR PONY BRO.
707 has my heartuuu | roleplaying s**t