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Faith Miyu's Journal
everyone has a story to tell about their friends
ok *takes in a deep breath* i...well..i true'll dont like saying how truelly i feel deep down in the "what they call a heart" *laughs* but in a some what way i'll tell you what in that "heart" i have tell you what's really going on inside the brain and heart... well here it goes....

- Rover-
there was some much i really didnt understand about you.... but you'r probley or will be the only one i can really open up and be who i am. you really tought me to be myself no matter who think other wise. you the one person that can really help me though the worst thing's i've done in life.. and you really have. you touch so many peoples hearts..but when you came to me... i guess i was sort of hard to break though.. but you did you are probley the only person i've told probley almost everything about my self.. and you showed me that i should always beleive in my self. you were the person that would listen. and that i truely Respect. You ar ethe BEST Friend any person could ever have. thanks for showing me that even i do have a times.. ^_^

You were what we'd use to call the big one... ^_^ but now your our twiggy one (-rover ^_^).. wow i Rhymed. ^_^ well there is some were we both have are days when you sad. i try to make you feel better and vic-verca (sp?) anywho you where the one to tell me to take a stand and stand for what i beleive in no matter what the consecense are. thank you for always being there for me ^_^

O.O well ummm << >> i know i met you before school but i dont know how ^_^; well we been though alot for just a few years of knowing each other, but i to learned something from you as well.... it was to be more carefree to be a good friends to others and to understand the feelings of your friends..even though you might not tell me this it the actions and the way you word things.. ^_^ thanks buddy ^_^

umm i really dont know how i met you but i know that you are one funny friend ^_^. and you care for others when they feel really blue.. and that makes you very Special to me ^_^


................................ sad