Appearance:  Name: Justinius Caligula Aliases: Custodi, or Justin, depending on the person. Age: Close to 1500 years of age. Gender: Male Birthdate: March 15th Ethnicity: Caucasian, more so Roman
Motto: "Honor your lord, and die for his will." Behavior: Justinius is a rather stoic individual, often opting to remain in silence through many chastisements, or other ordeals. However, This does not make him a reclusive person, as he will give his opinion on important matters. Overall, he is well mannered, and is a very disciplined man, both in the court and on the battlefield. Personality: As explained above, Justinius is a stoic character, and willing to give his opinion. He is well cultured, do to age, and is mannered accordingly. However, the major detriments to the visage of a gentleman, Justinius suffers from masochism, and sadism.
Rank: Deathdealer Vampyre Type: Bodyguard or Swordsman
________________________________________|B|attle |I|nformation
Weapon: A spatha measuring 39 inches, and a thureos shield Weapon Range: Roughly 3ft, but when wielded reaches close to 6ft. Weapon Ability: Not much, it can penetrate most armors. The shield can stop most projectiles and blades.
Vampyre Ability: Legione vocationis, "The Call of the Legion" Ability Description: A battle cry that Justinius learned when he was still but a mortal, the shout empowers the user with the strength of The Augustalied Empire, allowing the person to do incredible feats. The main downfall is it removes moral and physical limitations, so the body will often inflict great damage to itself. Futhermore, the ability to tell friend from foe is disabled, so it can often lead to the death of an ally.
Strengths: ● Many lifetimes of sword fighting ● Incredible stamina ● Knows a handful of languages.
Weaknesses: ● Enjoys pain, so doesn't know how bad wounds really are. ● Will go out of his way to inflict more pain than to kill his opponent ● Fights in a very predictable manner, which is disciplined.
Vampyre Traits: {Speed, Strength, Senses, etc} ● Incredible strength, to the point of being able to stop a charging bull ● Minor amounts of precognition ● Is able to resist small amounts of silver. ________________________________________|C|haracter |I|nformation
Height: Roughly Six foot. Weight: 170lb Body Build: Muscular Eye Color: Yellow Hair Color: Coal Family: None now, previously had a wife when he was still a mortal. Theme song: Unbreakable - Sabaton Other: Is the guard/champion of the Master Vampire. Oh yes, he wears his armor from his days in the Augustalied Legions into combat. Bio: Born many years in the past, Justinius was raised in a militant society known as the Augustalied Empire, a strong nation of great leaders, and invincible armies. As was customary for many young men, when Justinius came of age, he joined, relishing in the personal glory of the battlefield. For roughly ten years, he served in battle, finding his lust for both inflicting, and receiving pain. When he was sent into a veteran cohort, his prowess was recognized, and he was offered a place in the Emperor's guard. Accepting with glee, Justinius eagerly joined, but was soon affected with a strong malady. With death certain, a strange, yet intriguing man offered Justinius with immortality, who accepted it. That night, Justinius was turned to a vampyre, and did his master's every will, eventually helping the man overthrow the Augustalied empire. Justinius took it upon himself to protect the man, nearly dying many times. Over the centuries, Justinius grew a hatred of the man, for forcing foul conditions upon Justinius. One day, when Justinius was forced to recall his tales of serving under the Augustalied Empire, he turned on the vampire master, striking him down in a rage. Ironically enough, the sentiment the vampires held for the Master was the same as Justinius's thoughts: disgust. So, instead of getting executed, he was allowed to maintain his position, and now guards Lady Hawthorne
Kunder of the Lich · Wed Dec 25, 2013 @ 06:11pm · 0 Comments |