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My Journal and Personal thoughts Ill just type whatever i feel like typing and how i feel

Community Member
Carbink - Hardy, Clear Body, 761625213
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 1431241224 [3873]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 14293111824 [834]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 222931242424 [522]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 2231252424 [462]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 2229252412 [3710]
Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 313128313128 [1624]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 142025111231 [2417]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 142531111231 [244]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 142631111031 [3138]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 142925242024 [2066]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 14292531024 [629]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13118183131 [2801]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 22294241024 [2381]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 223125111223 [2784]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 143125111013 [3209]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Inner Focus, 142913241031 [1074]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Inner Focus, 1431311124 [300]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 222931151224 [2881]
Pawniard (M) - Adamant, Defiant, 142925241016 [3311]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Inner Focus, 221025111224 [3371]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 273125111031 [1735]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31313118313 [738]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 1313131 [3192]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 12431183131 [1254]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 2431313131 [806]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 1931313131 [1177]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131316 [2272]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 1931313131 [1177]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 2431313131 [806]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 12431183131 [1254]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 1313131 [3192]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31313118313 [738]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 31313118831 [1111]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131263131 [2315]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 3125313131 [2844]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1313123131 [2497]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3125313131 [262]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131173131 [1302]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131183131 [2105]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131312031 [2248]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131153131 [3180]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 313131313 [2343]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313124183131 [3775]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 131313124 [2072]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 203131183131 [3628]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1631183131 [3890]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 1431313131 [584]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 315313131 [1809]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13123183131 [1417]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313121183131 [197]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131183113 [243]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131103131 [1501]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131183126 [3870]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131183131 [924]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 193131183131 [418]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131182931 [2885]
Pawniard (F) - Adamant, Defiant, 2229241231 [2316]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31311931 [953]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31293131 [249]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 312231183131 [3805]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 2931313131 [1970]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 3131183131 [1026]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 24313131 [3015]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131293131 [2369]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 31318183131 [3215]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 153131183131 [1758]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131183121 [3493]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 31315183131 [3418]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131181731 [1007]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 103131183131 [1011]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131133131 [1689]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131273131 [1555]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 431313131 [3563]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 731313131 [2981]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131182331 [3735]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 1131313131 [513]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 313131182031 [4039]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 12531183131 [3294]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 233131183131 [93]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31313173131 [3268]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131181931 [3028]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31313173131 [3268]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13153131 [3205]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131181931 [3028]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 131203131 [3420]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131312331 [1927]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 3131313111 [3560]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 531313131 [473]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 3131313111 [3560]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131123131 [1062]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 131233131 [131]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313110183131 [411]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131143131 [1659]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 3118313131 [660]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131182431 [937]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 313127183131 [1617]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 31233131 [3749]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131273131 [1326]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1315183131 [2114]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 313131312 [2605]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131183116 [1358]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 312931183131 [1632]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3119313131 [1755]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1331183131 [3555]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13118183131 [3176]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131133131 [1811]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131312631 [884]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 120313131 [1432]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131312131 [1360]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 2531313131 [3717]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131113131 [1096]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131182431 [3656]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131113131 [1028]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131193131 [679]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131183131 [2956]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 143131183131 [838]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 131133131 [821]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131313114 [2053]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 13131131 [3957]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1313133131 [3848]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 118313131 [3660]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 131133131 [909]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 3131183131 [469]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 1313131 [1176]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131273131 [2505]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Overgrow, 13131181131 [3854]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 131313113 [820]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Overgrow, 311031183131 [1871]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 313131183112 [1473]
Chespin (F) - Impish, Bulletproof, 2131313131 [938]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 3131312631 [3572]
Chespin (M) - Impish, Bulletproof, 63131183131 [3193]