Name: Noctis
Age: 15-16 {Teenage Years}
Gender: Male
Species: Vulpix
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A bit smaller for his species and age, he is obviously the runt of his family. Noctis also has violet eyes, unlike the brown ones most Vulpix seem to have. He wears a black bandanna at the base of his tail.
Guild: Guild of Eclipse
Rank: Rank 1
Moveset: * Heat Wave * Quick Attack * Ember * Roar
Personality: Noctis is easily described as a weird and mysterious little bugger. He's stubborn to boot and thinks that fighting is the way to get through life. He's someone who prefers leading and sometimes rushes into battle without thinking first. He's described by Kite as being someone who "Would lose their head if it wasn't attached." Noctis is friendly though; outgoing and outspoken, ready to make friends and allies, even enemies when he doesn't shut his hole.
Bio: Born of five siblings and himself, he's always been the more...curious one. Noctis grew up running around at the edge of that spooky forest that your parents warned you about, he's the one that grew up daring himself to go into the spooky abandoned cave in hopes of finding a ghost. Least to say, it always landed him in trouble. In so much trouble, in fact, that his father had him sent off to do his exploring elsewhere. Which is of course how he ended up in the Guild with a partner.
MP: 0
Name: Neku "Kite"
Age: 14-15 [Teen]
Gender: Male
Species: Pikachu
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Neku is a normal looking Pikachu for the most part - aside from being scruffy. He has pointy ears and tail and scruff around his neck that looks kind of like a mane. He wears his own bandanna around his neck.
Guild: Guild of Eclipse
Rank: Rank 1
Moveset: * Thundershock * Thunder Wave * Reversal * Charge
Personality: Neku or Kite as he has been called by his partner/captain has been called cautious and paranoid. Not as bad as some, thank Arceus. Neku is easily described as high strung but easy to be around, he isn't constantly judging or thinking people are after him, but he's paranoid to the point that no rock is left un-turned. He's open minded and loving, one of those loyal forever pals. Someone Noctis could never replace.
Bio: Neku's past isn't as exciting as Noctis. He lived with his mom and dad, who were also part of the guild, and eventually wanted to follow in their footsteps, what better way than to join the guild and become the best he could be?
MP: 0
JellieBoba · Thu May 16, 2013 @ 09:10pm · 0 Comments |