☩The Overture☩

[File Information...]
[Personal Data...]
[±] Full Name: [Cvir// Nn// Claecita//] [±] Nickname: Cecsita. [±] Title: Nn'asi Mn su'n. [±] Age: Twenty. [±] Gender: Female. [±] Sexual Orientation: Femmsexual. [±] Religion: The Greylords. [±] Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
[±] Zodiac: The Dog. [±] Place of Birth: Khador, Gallowswood. [±] Race: Hume, Khardic. [±] Heritage: Wunder, Nyss. [±] Height: 5' 4" [±] Weight: 98 lbs. [±] Build: Thin, not muscular. Short and flat. [±] Skin Color: Pale. [±] Blood Type: OB. [±] Natural Eye Color: Dark brown/green. [±] Natural Hair: Black. [±] Current Hair: Black. [±] Personality: Stoic. Shy. Passive-aggressive. [±] Personal Skill: An accomplished scribe. Finds herself copying down pages before her eyes can catch up. [±] Likes: Nature, snow, cold, fashion, and birds. [±] Dislikes: Light, bright colors, heat, dogs, and cats. [±] Hates: The Protectorate, fire, masculinity, physical exertion [±] Class: Rimewind Necromancer (Cold or snow-based necromancy). [±] Powers:
[±] Family: Yvv Claecita (Mother), Vladimir Dobrovich (Father). [±] Strengths: Able to withstand well below-freezing temperatures in casual-wear, and can take a hard beating. Pushes on well past her limit. [±] Weaknesses: Runs out of energy quickly in the heat and easily loses track of foes, even in snow. [±] Enemies: Menoth, fire based beings, and pretty much anything else that utilizes flames in a destructive form. [±] Allies: Litches, various basic undead, ice spirits, Wendigos, and miscellaneous arctic wildlife. [±] History: Cvir was born in the town of Hollowhenge. It is a settlement near the fringes of the Gallowswood in the vast frozen woodlands of Khador. Two things one quickly notices about the area is that it is plagued by all manner of nightmare creatures (and has been since it's construction), and that it is possibly the greatest description of "Snowy Forest" on earth. The people of the town have lived there all their lives, and learned to cope with these facts many, many years ago. Cvir, however, went above and beyond coping with them. She, through various studious and paganistic means, managed to harness the power of whatever brought on the creatures of the Wood and their eerie chill. Normally, I'd tell you why she did this, or how exactly it came to pass, but the means of which she gained her ends are.. Unspeakable, at best, and her reasoning, unbeknownst to all but the Wood itself. So in all good consciousness, I can't. Because if I did, I would be lying to you. All you need to know for now, is that she made a pact with creatures of old ways to control the cold and death that scathed her people, and took it away with her in to the great white yonder of the endless snow.
[±] Theme Song: Spring - Rammstein. [±] Battle Theme: Death is this Communion - High on Fire [±] Battle Alternate: Wyrd of the Winter Wolf - A Band of Orcs [±] Adventure Theme: Chopin Waltz - Frédéric Chopin
Zeda Ennd · Sat Dec 01, 2012 @ 04:02pm · 0 Comments |