 Transformations: Eye on the horizon.
Character's name: Elsa de la Torre. Ettanvv Asal'Aniv.
Gender: Female.
Age: Sixteen.
Grade: High school, grade 10. (Scuola secondaria di secondo grado.)
Personality: Every emotion she expresses is skilled acting, developed for dicking around with a bunch of kids. Uhm.. But in terms of that, I'd say she's... Preppy. Perhaps vain. Playfully bitter. Passive-agressiveness is shown to be cute if used effectively.
Position: The Tower(?).
Side: New Easter Organization and(?) the Guardians.
Number of Chara's: One.
Bio: Their goal is to somehow, through whatever means, bring the downfall the world's enclaves. No one you can communicate with could possibly begin to tell you why, anyone who tries is full of s**t or lying to you.
Towers are chosen at birth. Taken from their mothers, listed as dead. They are assigned to a group that is or will be, built up to suit it from infancy, specific to their organization. Most finish the required amount of training by their teens, but depending on the demands of their target's restrictions, extra time may be added in the case of adults to perfect their craft further, or more effort may be forced in to a smaller amount of time for situations requiring children. Regardless of what they've been trained for, they are to undergo a sort of conditioning that prevents them from placing true compassion on their target and allows them the ability to act with ruthless efficiency. The only one's that know the details of the conditioning are the Towers themselves and those providing the treatment, but neither will recount what transpires, though it is rumored to be brutal an hellish beyond imagination, like some sort of Clockwork Orange bullshit. They do not question their orders or their actions, they have no compassion for their peers, and they forcefully reject all hindering emotions they may feel, as the existence of which causes them serious pain. However, they do occasionally feel faint curiosity about their superiors, as even the Towers are unaware of their true identity or motivation, but again, the thought is quickly swept under the carpet.
Elsa herself was chosen seconds after conception, taken ten minutes after birth, and already deemed worthy of a task that was still sixteen years from it's own beginning. Her parents never knew her and never will. She will never know a true relationship, and she will likely die alone in her late teens before the fruition of her task. She will feel regret briefly. This is the life of a Tower.
Other: She was born in Italy. Her parents would have named her Roberta, which is a decidedly less stylish name than Elsa, so overall, it's a good thing she was abducted. So I guess it all worked out.
Theme: Porn, Kitsch, and Firearms - KMFDM or is this better? Why Me - KMFDM
Zeda Ennd · Sat Nov 24, 2012 @ 08:05am · 0 Comments |