My real name is Zinaida Yuri Gagarin the Siege of Stalingrad Glorious Five Year Plan Sputnik Tractor Moscow Dynamo Back Four Balowski. Me dad was a bit of a Communist, know what I mean?
That kinda cute, kinda hot, kinda sexy, hysterically funny, but not funny looking guy who you COULD ********, but wont.
It's been a terrible blow to my life lookin' like Mussolini, eh, y'know.. Ehm.. Especially when I was a kid, y'know? I was about seven, right, y'know, an' I was dancin' down'n the youth club, y'know, dancin' away, right, in the sixties, doin' the twist, y'know, an' ehm, this girl comes up t'me an' she goes, "Ea! Ah you Mussolini!?" I said, "Ehm.. Ehm.. Yeah! Yeah!" She says, "I thought you were dead." I said, "No, it was just me day off, y'know." So she pulled me over'th dance floor and butted me in the face! I said, "What's that for!?" She said, "That's for the invasion 'a Crete!"
I've not always been mad, y'know, but, uhm.. I was actually driven mad by the indifference of architecture in council planners, see, I used to live in a tower block, an, ehm.. The thing about those is a terrible noise problem, 'cus 'ers no noise'um, insulation at all, an' y'know, eight floors below you there's always some b*****d's got a Yamaha Home Organ, yuh. Yer just about t'go t'sleep and you hear this, 'DUH-DUH! CH-CH! DUH-DUH! CH-CH! DUH-DLOWW-GLOUU-B-BLADDOU!! DUH-DUH! CH-CH!' .. And like, the people who live upstairs from me, I-I-I can't understand what they're doin', 'know, I listen, and all I can hear is this weird noise and it goes, 'VROOM VROOM! BLE-AM BLE-AM! VROOM VROOM! BLE-AM BLE-AM!' It sounds, right, it sounds like two elephants on a motorbike going 'round and 'round, while a seal bangs a kipper on the table! I went upstairs t'complain and the door was answered by these elephants in their crash helmets! Standing behind them is this seal going, "WHAT IS IT NOW, RALPH!?" An' I dunno, it's jus-something cracked inside, y'know, and I started thinking I was a piece a sponge, yeah. I just started to get very depressed, y'know, and I just can't hold it down now an'-...
Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa download. 'Cause, like.. I never got to finish it.
Ylang, the Ichor-Demon from the 17th coil of hell is always watching me. The blade I found at the water's edge was cursed by him, and try as I might I can never relinquish it. The blade screams. It screams.
Bayonetta is a witch whose clothing consists of her hair, which, besides being a Technicolor dream coat of magic can also summon demons like snake dragon monsters. She has the rare video game condition of amnesia and is on a quest to regain her lost memories. In the process she will destroy an entire religion, and team up with Joe Pesci. She will also battle with and alongside Cruella De Vil, as well as pull a Shinji Ikari and destroy every angel in her path.
-My XBox Live account is named OozyLake.

"...so, like I was saying: If I wanted the paper delivered every goddamn day, I'd have ******** well ordered it, wouldn't I? You keep delivering these papers and I keep throwing them away. It's like I wake up every morning to find that a stranger has littered, just once, right on my doorstep. It's bullshi- what's that? No, ignore it."
Zeda Ennd · Mon Oct 29, 2012 @ 03:07am · 0 Comments |