~Puppeteer: Zeda Ennd. 
~Puppet Name: Mr. Nick (Previously Nina Clostermann).
~Age: Fourteen at E.T.D.
~Gender: Female.
~Species: Spirit.
~Are you good or are you wicked: Off-and-on.
~Orientation: Up.
~Short Bio: In a past life, Nina was a Metal Fist, or Magical Girl. She was haughty, rude, cruel, spiteful, arrogant, disrespectful, controlling, malevolent, and without any true friends as a result (Her only pal was a pet kitten, named Numunu). She was an extreme of the stereotypical spoiled rich girl. Her father was incredibly wealthy, and she always got what she wanted, lest others suffer grave consequences. One evening, there came a report to the Metal Fist headquarters (The school art room) that, somehow, she had been kidnapped by an evil organization (Oh noes!) that wanted to use the Metal Fists to their own dark intentions, and if they didn't submit, Nina would be killed. Now, naturally, the Magical Girls jumped up to save their sister, no matter how horrible she was, and how many degrading things she made them do, she was one of them! They stormed the base, gave the evildoers a thorough a**-whupping, and saved dearest Nina from their vile clutches! Afterwords, there was a lovely reunion between them, and Nina gave a heartfelt apology to her sisters-in-arms. Since then, she was the nicest young girl, sweet and caring. She learned not to be a complete and utter b***h, almost at the cost of her life. Oh wait! None of that happened! They didn't do s**t to save her! Not a ******** thing! They said to each-other, "Serves that hoebag right." "I hope she gets what's coming to her!" "Maybe, in another life, she'll be a sweeter girl, hm?" Numunu was mutilated, and Nina was promptly buried alive with not but the dear, darling kitten to keep her company. It was the only time she ever apologized. Now, she's either forgotten or blocked out the events of her past life and wanders in search of new friends, but occasionally, she gets flashes or what transpired. Never pleasant, always painful.
~Personality: Highly charming, always quick to compliment, and endlessly kind. Very submissive. Enjoys being ordered about.
~Special Features/Skills: Specializes in Black magics that poison, debilitate, leech, suffocate, decay, infect, possess, blind, or mute her enemies. Alternately, she uses heavy necromancy to raise battalions of undead that fight for her, although they vary in strength from individual to individual.
~Weapons of Choice: Uses skeletal fingers and blinding spears of white light that poison enemies or infect them with rapid necrosis as her main melee weapons.
~Additional Info: Has multiple 'formes.' She inadvertently filters between them at all times, seemingly unaware that it's happening, otherwise in complete denial. Occasionally forgets who she is, what she is, where she is, or what she's doing.
~Theme: Bound and Gagged - Creature Feature.
Zeda Ennd · Tue Sep 25, 2012 @ 06:50am · 0 Comments |