*ahem* [loading] [all systems check] [rant mode active] [start]
I don't get why some people practically live off it. Perhaps this can be explained Psychologically... Nah, too much work, and since this is a blog, I'll rather use my own opinion. Attention is something everyone wants even though most would rather deny it for all eternity than admit the simple truth. Attention is something everyone wants, whether it's from friends, family, enemies, etc. It's a basic human need. Humans are social animals by nature and don't like to be alone for long periods of time, though short periods of being alone can be a very helpful thing. In my opinion people are okay to want attention, I just don't see why some have to get completely overzealous with it and literally jump right in front of you, stepping on your foot in the process, and then scream "HI!!" at the top of their lungs. That seems kind of unnecessary.
[system security has found an error] [boredom level 6 active] [initiating "writer's block"] [shut down]
Shiki the Forsaken Prince · Wed Apr 18, 2012 @ 04:03pm · 0 Comments |