 Real Name: Bn. Code Name: Two-one-four. Alignment: Chaotic good. With a lack of government, people are free. He's one of the necessary evils in his mind. Age: Private. Gender: "Male," allegedly. Hair: Short and a very light brown, almost mossy. A pair of ears appear to be sprouting from his head, but he insists they aren't there. Eyes: Golden yellow like a predator. Height: 5'5" Weight: 93 lbs. Body Type: Very slender, but not quick on his feet. Personality: Not bright and more than a little stubborn. When people make observations about him, he has an instant reaction to insist it's not true. Likes: Her dog, Louie. Frigid temperatures, bulky armor, snow, low light, sexually attracted to the moon, and the word 'distressed.' The band Sublime. Dislikes: Heat of any sort, fire, the sun, lights, and genders. He sort of hates anything not directly related to snow. Birthdate: Oct / 13 / XXXX. Accent: American accent with a poetic twist. Surprising level of linguistic skills for his level of intelligence. Makes a rule to use proper grammar.
Skills: Makes bitchin snow men. Can manipulate snow to his will and usually makes a small slushy effigy of himself to do his bidding and spy on others.
Tattoos/markings: The words 'Lou Dog' on the inside of his lip.
Bio: Born in the dry hot land known as 'Arizona,' but he migrated to the colder, darker Anchorage Alaska when he found that high temperature and a general lack of water were what made him incredibly ill all his life, which, might I add, was purely fictional. He came into being around the same time as the Bastion program, but his memories being faked, extend further back. He was born of cold and death as a pointless experiment by the not-really-mad-but-still-pretty-weird, Dr. Lomax and his not-actually-fiendish assistant, Tea Leaf. Bn spent the majority of his real actual not fake life in Russia, not Alaska. Only friend he had was a Siberian husky that constantly contradicted him and as a way to discern what was a contradiction made by the dog and something that's not completely and utterly insane, he began contradicting the dog (Which he named Louie Dog after his favorite fake memory of the and Sublime) and pretty much any one else who made comments on him in any way. Don't worry if this doesn't make sense, it's as made-up as the Combat Wombat. Made his way to Bastion Six, it being the best place to live after a massive crystalline spire decimated his home in XXXXX XXXXXX and a shard embedded itself in his back. It's not as nice in Bastion. There's no snow.
Shard Affinity: Cold, specifically ice and snow. ~Sgyyt: Ice juts from.. Really, wherever he wants. Typically from hiss gauntlets or grieves for combat. The ice can take any shape he so chooses. Density varies on mood.
~Fluster: The air cools rapidly causing a the wind to gust inward from like.. Places with warmer air. It continues to chill stopping only when the wind picks Bn off his feet. Moisture in the air freezes and turns to sleet that tears at Bn's surroundings.
~Valkyrie Altzvnn: When he calls for snow in places that have seen considerable bloodshed or house the dead, the snow flakes somehow bind the dead to his will. Like some sort of ice based necromancy, the ground cracks and the rimebound dead. It's an odd ability he doesn't fully understand and cannot entirely control.
~Bi-frosty: The air chills and the sky turns grey as a heavy snow begins to fall. His hair grows pale and rigid and his skin becomes wan. Even fuel lines freeze solid and as the temperature ebbs ever closer to flat-out zero, the laws of physic begin to lose meaning while atoms slow and separate. --Metals become brittle and shatter at a tap. --Liquids freeze and begin preform increasingly bizarre stunts, such as defying gravity itself. --The spirits of people who lost their lives to cold flicker on the edges of reality and hover as a chilling mist, giving power to Bn. --Pure heat, such as the energy emitted from fire shards have an adverse and negative effect on Bn, causing him to over heat and for some reason, get frostbite. --His armor loses it's protective abilities and weighs him down, restricting movement.
Theme: I Love My Dog by Sublime
Surfing in Siberia by the Red Elvises
/ Combat / TT34 by Jack
/ Combat / Start Wearing Purple by Gogol Bordello
/ Badass Intro / The Killers by Pray for Rain
The guild for him/her.
Zeda Ennd · Sat Nov 05, 2011 @ 04:32am · 0 Comments |