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Strange Dream Log #3
My final log for today. These dreams won't be as detailed as my last two post since these weren't as recent, and therefore, I can't remember it as much. I only remember it because of a few key words I scribbled in my journal, so the time line of the dream will not be accurate since I am writing from remnants of my memory

This dream was from a long ago. I don't even remember is this was real, but it seemed to be stuck in my head so it may or may not be a dream or just a really strange jumbled mess put together by my head.

Starts off in a wonderland-esque place. Large garden, something akin to ZOMG. It had a town and a dark graveyard. It was sort of like an MMORPG only I was playing it for real. I jump a lot in the story. One moment, I'm in a dark Victorian castle ground, fleeing from the animated suits of armor and zombies, and the next, I'm in a cliff-like area running for my life because I was terrible underleveled. Then, I somehow get to a cave area thing that had a bit of snowfall. Apparently, I was supposed to retrieve some medicine or something, I don't know. I just remember another snowy town and for some strange reason, lions, tigers, and other big cats. That's mostly it.
Another dream I had was set in a place that was similar to my middle school and my high school mashed together, along with something like a mall for good measures. There was a school festival or something, and the only parts I can remember that reminded me that I was in my middle/high school was my high school's gyms, and my middle school's outside area that was close to the playground (where we usually held our festivals at, since it had the most space). I can't remember what was going on, but one moment I'm alone and sad because everybody else is having fun, the next I'm cramming for some unknown test. And then BAM, zombies appear and I'm freaking out. That's... mostly it.
A really strange dream involved Pikachu and Togepi in a Resident Evil 4 situation, where Pikachu was Leon and Togepi was Ashley. Pikachu was still small and cute, but instead of frying the enemies with his electricity, he used a semi-automatic machine gun and a shitload of other rifles. There was even an underground cave (kind of blue-like rocks, I guess from the lighting? There was a lot of snow and machinery as well, so I guess it was kind of like a silo from Metal Gear as well?) and even a railroad system which Pikachu got to ride as he gunned down the mooks from RE4. Once he gets Togepi, he sneaks out of the place MGS style, but is met by an enemy... Diva from Blood+ (yeah, I don't even know). Pikachu uses his guns to down all the mooks, but was unable to kill Diva, which then promptly changes viewpoint to the actual Leon Scoot Kennedy from RE4, going to a well lit (like, with candles, so everything seemed to have a yellowish glow) outside marketplace at night that was FILLED with Los Ganados that acted pretty normal before seeing him. After that, they became axe crazy and tried killing him (scary). Then we get to a part in the game where you're in a downhill slope where a car is trying to run you over, very similar to the original game's scenario, only having a chainsaw wielding man and one of the garradors (blind berserker men with giant iron claws, one of the more deadly enemies). That's all I remember since I only had a small pool of keywords for this dream.
A slightly less creepy dream starts off with me and my whole school (mostly just people I know from varying grade levels) staying at a hotel in a rainy day. I don't know why we were in a hotel, but just roll with it. Dreams don't make sense. Anyway, my socks were soaking wet. If you know me personally, then you would know that I HATE wet socks, so instead of wearing them, I peeled them off and wring out the water and left it to dry. Kind of gross because later, I go to the bathroom barefooted. Anyway, I somehow travel into a grassy area where there was a icy cave area (don't ask me why these things are so prevalent in my dream, they just are. Blame Zelda) where, strangely enough, had an arcade similar to Las Vegas' Circus Circus. Only, there was a trap (I sensed the malice oozing out of the place, idk) and I basically ran/rolled out of the way when the three holes in the wall (again, Zelda) shot out icicle/arrows at me. The center of the entrance had one of those phony fortune teller machine thing, and behind it, one of those games where you squirt water into a hole to fill up a balloon/move a boat and win a prize. Because I saw a Pikachu doll as one of the prizes, I had to play. I couldn't win, and when I began to run out of money, I realized that the Pikachu dolls were poorly crafted (as in, made from super cheap fabric like felt) and I gave up on it. There were a ton of other games to play, but I felt like I shouldn't bother (again, this place was evil in someway I can't describe, but nonetheless I stayed here because I could not stand being a flooded(?) hotel) and eventually ran into a place with a lot of tables and stairs (short stairs, like only 7 steps short, but there were a lot of them!) and there was apparently a show. It was some African American adult male, maybe going from his sixties to seventies? Anyway, he performed this really cool jazz show, and after the show, he sat by me, asking where my parents were or how I came to be here. I responded to him that I didn't know, and he told me to leave immediately, since, a huge surprise here, this was the afterlife. That icy cave place was the afterlife, and anybody who was still living would get killed before they can enter (by those so called 'traps' which were so easily avoided, but again, Zelda knowledge and being genre savvy come into play here). He was really nice (and kinda looked like Morgan Freeman), so I took his advice and hightailed it out of there. More stuff happened later on, but I can't remember.