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What's behind... This isn't like any other journal. This journal explains on what's behind my weird looking avis and styles... So read on!

Community Member
Fishy tale
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This was my avi on March 30 2011...

Behind the style:

I'am Shin and i am the long lost sister of Tria Kovsock. I once live in a warrior village where people go to missions once every month...
( missions are usually located far and over the sea. )
Me and Tria were assigned to guard the shores of our place from pirates, vikings and sometimes, wild sea creatures.
Before when i was a warrior. I had long black hair, blue eyes and armor.
But one day when me and my sister were on the way to a certain mission,
A storm came and the waves were becoming wild...
The boat rocked wildly and i got knocked out from our ship.
then the last thing i knew was that a mermaid saved me and brought me to their kingdom. I lived in their kingdom for almost 3 years that my once so black hair was becoming blue. ( and also my skin! )
One day i tried to go back and return to our village but again, I was attacked by a giant sea creature and with just one blow, I collapsed and i was gone....
When i woke up, I already found myself located among the sandy shores of gaia. My hair was cutted by the rocks that lay upon the sand and now it has turn into a boyish style...
Then ALAS! My clothes!! I swam back to the sea and found three starfishes...
I wore them then people from gaia gave me boots and bracelets.
I found a mask lying along the shore... I wore it so that this story will forever stay hidden....

So... that was it!! =)
I hope you'll wait for my next " behind the avi!! ".
Thanks for reading! heart

What happened now?
Shin changed her name to Managone, and one day she met the race of the elven people and lived with them. Her hair grew but it still didn't turn into black. She grew interested in the arts and spends her time drawing things around her.


This is Shin as a seafolk [ left] and to the right is her old look. Picture My Me

Here lies the Picture references of the present-day Managone.

[X] By CherryGoes_POP

Ocean Breeze Lottery!
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I love RPing, getting free signs, free art, random PMs and anon. gifts heart