Name: Abigail Belladonna Cardona
Nickname: Ringmaster Pestilence, Abby, Ab, Ringmaster, Pesty
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birth Date: October 31
Birth Place: N/A
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 124 lbs
Body Type: thin, but not lanky
Race/Species: Virus
Eye Color: one gold, one crimson
Hair Color and Style: curly, black and white
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Other Family: N/A
Pets: keeps unpleasant animals and insects such as maggots and rats
Temperament: calm, cold, twisted, sadistic, generally unpleasant
Method of Handling Anger or Rage: Gets scarily silent, glares, results to violence
Admirable Traits: Intelligence, Cunning, Quick-Wit
Negative Traits: very sharp tongued, cruel, sadistic, manipulative
Bad Habits/Vices: very sharp tongued, cruel, sadistic, manipulative
Skills, Abilities and Talents: pianist, painter
Fears: being beaten and forgotten
Interests: controlling people, people's habits/mannerisms, blood and how to draw it
Favorite Pastimes: playing the piano
Favorite Food: Chicken organs, onions
Favorite Drink: Alcohol, water
Least Favorite Food: sugary things
Least Favorite Drink: sugary drinks
Clothing Styles/Favorite Outfit: frilly, old fashioned circus ringmaster clothes
Favorite Type of Music: classical, cabaret
Theme Song: Greatest Show Unearthed
OST: Circus Diabolique
Speaking Style: Teasing, cold, sharp, and sometimes speaks in riddles
Sense of Humor: macabre, twisted, sick, childish
Best Friend: N/A
Love: N/A
Enemies: Reality
As seen by others: cruel, sick-minded, twisted, crazy, delusional
Philosophy of Life: "Reality is cruel"
Most Painful Things in One's Life:
Character History: