Name: Cinnamon
Maturity: Adult
Species: Regular
Occupation: Soldier
Consult Teepee - Use "Ctrl+F" to help you!
Plot Requests:
1. Lost Souls, Broken Hearts
Due to his own personal problems Cinnamon is a male who relies on carnal pleasures to feel anything. I'd like for him to seduce (and leave) a number of mares while he's home on leave. This can lead to broken hearts if you'd prefer, bitterness or even revenge at a later date. I am open to the possibility of mares attempting to 'cure' him of his issues but given he suffers from a severe case of PTSD it would be exceptionally difficult to achieve this without extensive RP.
Please note this isn't a breeding plot, I'm not looking for that just yet.
2. A hero? Don't be absurd.
I want him to meet an aspiring knight, a naive squire who thinks that the most horrifying thing in the world is a Skinwalker. I want Cinnamon to very brutally provide he or she with some home truths about what horror really is. He would be more than happy to give graphic detail of war, torture and murder for the sake of putting a naive creature in it's place. Whether the squire deserts their quest or opts to persevere despite the reality check is up to you - consider this Cinnamon's one good deed, at least this way the knight won't go into combat with rose tinted glasses.
3. Beg for Mercy
He's not a Kalona or a Skinwaker but he has a vicious temper. I know many people prefer Kalona/Skinwalker for their violent plots but I can assure you he can do just as much damage and much more painfully because he lacks the teeth to slice and dice. If someone irritates him enough or just gets him on a bad day he won't think twice about tearing them apart - whether they're male or female he'll take them down without remorse. If he suits, let me know.
4. I see them, everytime I close my eyes...
A more sombre plot than the rest. Cinnamon is loyal to his family and loves them deep down but due to his experiences he can't express this or control his rages. He is haunted by what he has seen, what he's done and what he knows he'll see again. He often sees those he has killed in his sleep, hears their screams and struggles to sleep soundly regardless of what herbs he takes. This doesn't have to start out as a plot that would lead to curing him, if anything it could be a more subtle take on his reality check for a wayward knight. However, I would like to give him a moment to discuss exactly how he feels. His family and doctor already know he's troubled, but how would another respond to the horrors he's seen?
5. A Cure
At some point I do what him to find a cure. He will need a friend or even a lover to patiently help him through each stage culminating in a more sound of mind stallion. He will never been completely 'cured' but he will gain control of his temper and perhaps find more constructive ways to express himself. I should warn you that ANY mare who wishes to take on the role of the lover for this plot will be subject to physical and verbal abuse in the early and potentially later stages. She'll need to be able to persevere through that and have the patience to work through his issues with him. Much the same can be said for his friend if they choose to assist in this too - they will be subject to abuse as well, it's the only way he can express himself on most occasions.